Sitting across a small desk-like table, I extend my arms toward her. She places her index, middle and ring fingers on each of my wrists. Like a skilled piano player, she moves her fingers, first lightly, then with a bit more force and finally with an even deeper touch. She shifts these alternating pressures from one wrist to the other on three specific points on my radial artery. Nine pulses in total.
As we engage in lively conversation she asks me how I’m feeling. Then she announces that today I have the beginnings of a cold. Although I haven’t been experiencing any symptoms yet, I trust her. Especially after she studies my tongue and then quickly nods. She confirms that I am indeed showing the early signs of a possible cold.
This is not some kind of hands-on fortune teller predicting my future, but my acupuncturist Daniella. As I’ve been seeing her consistently almost weekly for many years, I smile. I’ve learned not to doubt her. When this session is finished all will be in harmony again. After her initial pulse and tongue diagnosis, I gladly move to the table, eager for my treatment.
Acupuncture is an Ancient Art of Healing
Acupuncture is an ancient art of healing, originating in China long before written texts began. There are reports that acupuncture is over 5,000 years old and that Egyptians talked about vessels that resembled 12 meridians in 1550 B.C. The first written documentation describing the organized system now recognized as acupuncture is the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine which dates back to 200 B.C. Also called the Huang Di Nei Jing, it regarded the human body as a miniature representation of the universe as a whole. It taught that a state of health could be achieved by balancing the body’s internal environment with the external environment of the entire universe.
Acupuncture is part of the system called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is one of the oldest continuous systems of medicine. In contrast, American or Western forms of health care have a much shorter history. The American Medical Association, which is the largest U.S. health care association, was formed in 1847 some 3800 years after the first mention of TCM.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Acupuncture is one of the oldest continuous systems of medicine. #acupunture ” quote=”Acupuncture is one of the oldest continuous systems of medicine. #acupunture”]Chi is Vital Life Force Energy
Many of the concepts in TCM do not have any true counterpart in Western medicine. One of the key concepts is qi (pronounced “chi” or “Chee”). Qi is considered a vital force or energy responsible for controlling the harmonious workings of the human mind and body.
Qi flows through the body via channels called meridians. There is a total of 20 meridians, 12 of them primary and corresponding to specific organs and organ systems or functions and eight secondary meridians. It is imbalances in the flow of qi that cause illness.
When the flow is corrected, the body is restored back to balance. Acupuncture is the most practiced way to restore this balance in Traditional Chinese Medicine, although techniques like acupressure, moxibustion and chi kung or tai chi are other practices incorporated.
Origins of Acupuncture
There are numerous references to the origin of the word acupuncture. The earliest European reports came from Jesuit missionaries in the 16th and 17th centuries. The word acupuncture was coined by French Jesuits from the Latin acus (needle) and punctura (puncture). Another report claims the term acupuncture was coined by Dr. William Ten Rhyne. It was earlier known as Chen in China, which can be translated roughly into “to be pricked with a needle”.
Acupuncture began to appear in medical literature in the U.S. in the mid-1800’s when Sir William Osler included a section on the use of acupuncture for “lumbago and sciatica” in his The Principles and Practices of Medicine.
Acupuncture Arrives in the United States
A turning point for the wide acceptance of acupuncture in the United States happened in 1971 when New York Times reporter James Reston accompanied President Nixon’s Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger to Beijing to report on a ping-pong match between China and the U.S. He developed acute appendicitis, requiring an emergency appendectomy. His report of his firsthand experience for postoperative pain management was published on the front page of the New York Times, sparking enormous public interest in acupuncture.
The first clinic, Acupuncture Center of Washington, opened in 1972 and received massive news coverage. The 20 Oriental acupuncturists, mostly brought from New York City, were soon treating more than 250 patients a day. It wasn’t long before the medical establishment tried to close it down by taking the city of Washington D. C. to court. They lost and acupuncture has flourished ever since. In the 40+ years since acupuncture has been legalized in more than 46 states and between 2002 and 2007, the number of acupuncture practitioners in the U.S. grew by 32 percent.
[clickToTweet tweet=”#Acupuncture has flourished in the U.S. for 40+ years and is legalized in 46+ states.” quote=”#Acupuncture has flourished in the U.S. for 40+ years and is legalized in 46+ states.”]Benefits of Modern Acupuncture
Some people fear acupuncture because of its use of needles, but modern acupuncture uses disposable needles. This ensures the treatment is safe. Made of stainless steel, the needles come in various lengths and gauges of widths. They are solid, not hollow, and have a finely tapered point.
The benefits of acupuncture are wide reaching, showing great success when treating many health concerns including the following conditions.
• Relieving postoperative pain
• Nausea during pregnancy
• Migraine Headaches
• Dental pain
• Allergic Rhinitis
• Hypertension
• Stroke
• Anxiety
• Panic disorders
• Acute and Chronic Gastritis or Irritable Bowel Disease
• Insomnia
• Addiction
• Depression
The Art of Acupuncture
As I’m lying quietly on my back, my acupuncturist begins to insert the needles systematically in points on my legs and feet. She moves to my arms and hands, then to points in my ears and the top of my head. Each treatment for me is different, although the all too familiar points on my stomach and spleen meridians on my leg, generally cause me to open my eyes and pay attention.
My respect for her proficiency continues to grow, as I understand that Chinese pulse diagnosis is an extremely complex and subtle skill. As is the art of needle placement. Acupuncture is essentially painless. Some people do experience a slight pinch as the needle is inserted but generally, there is no discomfort at all.
How Acupuncture Works
Needling of acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. The chemicals will either change the experience of pain or trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones which influence the body’s own internal regulating system. Although acupuncture is most widely used for pain relief, it is effective in treating a wide range of ailments. From digestive problems to infertility and fibromyalgia to heart conditions, in addition to the conditions listed above.
With the needles all inserted, my mind begins to quiet and I fall into a deep state of peaceful relaxation. The needles will remain in for 20-30 minutes. Today I fall asleep for most of the treatment. Daniella’s gentle steps approach me and she removes the needles. I feel grateful that I’ve included acupuncture in my preventative health protocol for over 20 years now.
I get up from the table and return to my starting position. She retakes all nine pulses and studies my tongue again. She smiles and tells me my pulses are good now. I agree as I’m feeling great. As I venture out into the world I’m energized, confident that I’m again ready to accomplish just about anything.
Health is Highly Individual
Of all the things I’ve learned on my own health journey, the one thing that can’t be understated is that we’re highly individual. When it comes to health, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. Acupuncture is one of the staples in my health protocol as I’ve continued to experience wonderful success with it.
Do you have any experiences with acupuncture? Or other alternative therapies that have contributed to your overall health and well-being?
Acupuncture is a natural medicine that is really effective and helpful in dealing with some various health problems. it is an old medicine and really adapted in the west.
Acupuncture has been a go-to for me for many years, and I agree with you. It is an ancient practice and has successfully been used for many health concerns.
An interesting article, I did not know the story about how acupuncture got established in the US with the NY Times reporter traveling to China with Kissinger…very interesting. Acupuncture seems, as you say, like a way of managing pain with a long history. So far I have never tried it, but I have friends who have.
Thanks Katarina! Happy you learned some new and interesting facts about acupuncture from my post. It is fascinating how things can change depending on who is impacted by it. Yes, it sounds like most people who have tried it have found it very effective for pain management. For me, I see it as a preventative tool in my health tool box. I think you are open enough to like it too!
I actually enjoy acupuncture. When I have not tried it yet, it felt scary to imagine having needles pinned in ones’ body. After trying it, I realized that it was harmless. It was just the fear of sharp objects that terrified me.
It’s amazing how our preconceptions often stop us from trying things, isn’t it Lorii? And I am so happy that acupuncture worked for you and it was less fearful than you thought it might be!
Thanks for this great overview of acupuncture. I had treatments many years ago. They were intended to relieve neck pain and it did help. I love the concept of our bodies being miniature versions of the universe
It’s wonderful to hear how acupuncture has worked for you and so many others, Alene! I love the idea of our bodies being miniature versions of the universe too.
I would love to share this article with my sister who is in extreme pain and having neck surgery again soon. She has an injury in the neck area of her spine. The first surgery turned out not to help because her neck is too short and now they need to go in from the front. UGH. She is also now on steriods due to pain. I know there is a better way and I was even thinking of suggesting to her about accupuncture. Your article explains so much and might just give her the right nudge to at least explore this before she goes under the knife again.
I hope you did share this article with your sister, Teresa. As many of us know, surgery isn’t the only way and I believe there is always another way…we just have to find what resonates with us. Please let me know if something in this prompted her to look in a new direction for something that might help her.
Hi Beverley, I’ve had acupuncture as a teenager. It’s been on my to do list and I need to find someone in the Phoenix area and try it now. Your article really hit home with me for a few reasons. It’s not surprising to me that the medical community tried to shut down the first clinic in Washington. Thank goodness they LOST in court and acupuncture grew legally in the US. I think about my experience with cancer and how many alternative therapies aren’t allowed in the US because the people creating the protocols were run out of the country by losing everything to fire or lawsuits. I wonder whether we will ever get to a point that we put health and well being of people first; ahead of profit.
I hope you find a wonderful acupuncturist in Phoenix, Tandy! I actually saw someone a few years back and really liked him. Yes, the medical profession tries to fight all things that ‘threaten’ its hold on the consciousness of those who have been taught to trust only traditional medicine. Luckily times are changing and have been for a while. The power of people to speak up and be the change makers. I wonder the same thing as you! Maybe when enough people speak up and out…the power of the people will prevail!
Great overview about the power and benefits of acupuncture Beverley. I had it done a number of years ago and it was the only thing that worked on my knee. No surprise that the medical establishment tried to shut it down, but fortunately times have changed.
Thanks for sharing your success story with acupuncture, Joyce! I know it can be very effective for pain and many other health concerns. Yes, the medical profession often shuns the things that can help more people. Times are changing, but slowly it seems.
I am so impressed that you make this part of your weekly health regimen, Beverley. You are a wonderful example to me. I’ve been blessed with fairly good health as an adult and while that is an enormous blessing, it also makes me pay less attention that I should to my health and well-being. As I live longer I know I need to become far more proactive about finding the pieces of the ‘health puzzle’ that will help me maintain vibrant health into my older years. I can see how much this is doing for you. As always, thank you for sharing your journey!
Thanks so much Reba! I guess health is one of the key components of my life journey, so I am happy to try new things and then to share what works for me with other people. That is one way I believe others hear about successful healing modalities. I think you are becoming more proactive, by virtue of the new initiative you are helming. We all learn at the perfect time for us! Thanks for appreciating my journey too.
Beverley I am a great proponent of acupuncture. When I was working at NEWTA and we were creating a program I would direct with women who were detoxing from heroin. Wow! This was in the early 1990s.
The director set me up to meet with a woman who was using acupuncture in the local prison. I went to meet with her and she was busy and pulled a chair up for me in the circle with the inmates. She started putting needles in my hands and feet saying this is the best way to learn. I was appalled that she did this and I had an attitude. She gave me some paperwork to read and that was it.
I left there and halfway of the short ride back to my office, I felt better than I’d felt in a long, long time. I got over my attitude, called her for a session and now we have been BFF ever since.
Acupuncture has been what I use most for health care. I love it!
Also, if you cruise and get sea sick, you can get a tx with the acupuncturist on board and have a fun trip.
Thanks for sharing the many ways acupuncture is spectacular!
I love your personal testimonial about both acupuncture and also making new friends, Candess! It is powerful how our resistance or attitude can stop us from fully experiencing good things for ourselves. Luckily it sounds like all unfolded perfectly for you both. I also love that you use acupuncture as your preference for your own health care. I didn’t know about cruising and sea sickness, but that is another amazing benefit of acupuncture. And the really well-trained practitioners can also almost predict health concerns that have not fully manifested but ones we are predisposed to! Yes,indeed. Acupuncture is spectacular!
Thanks for the well-researched information. I haven’t had acupuncture, but would definitely give it a try if I thought it would help.
Glad you found this info helpful Cathy! Based on my own experiences and from what I hear from other people, I think acupuncture helps a very wide range of issues. Enjoy it if you do choose to try it.
I have not had acupuncture (yet), but have had various types of body work done. Some of the best healing experiences I’ve ever had. We’ve got some great acupuncturists here in my area; I just need to get on the stick and make an appointment. Thanks for the nudge!
It sounds like you might be a great candidate for acupuncture, Jackie. I swear by it and highly recommend it if you’ve had other body work done with great success. Something the challenge is finding a good one, but sounds like you’ve got that covered too. Enjoy it when you do! You’re welcome for the nudge too!
Beverley – Many years ago, I saw a film on Asian methodologies for pain control during surgery, including hypnotism and acupuncture. I mean, these folks were performing major invasive surgeries using only these 2 techniques – with great success. Kinda blew my mind – just as when I saw a yoga master willingly raise and lower his own heart rate on command. There’s more to the energies of the body than we know, and I’m very open to the idea that Eastern civilizations may have their foot in the door to understanding them.
Thanks for sharing those things here, Joan. I’ve seen so many different healing modalities in my life, and also believe that many of the Eastern cultures have much more history and wisdom with healing outside of our Western allopathic model. Having been daring enough to experience some of these alternatives myself, I really do know they work. I appreciate how open-minded you are, as coming from a traditional medical model, it takes something to stay open to see what else there is when it comes to health and healing.
I have had acupuncture, and it worked really well for me! One of my goals is to have weekly acupuncture and massage therapies!
I have also used EFT, and my sister is a shiatsu massage therapist, which also works with the meridians. I love this kind of bodywork, and believe it can bring great relief and health to people! Great information!
I also have both acupuncture and massage weekly, Kimberly! I cannot say enough about how they both contribute to my overall health and wellbeing. I know a little about EFT and hear that it works very well for so many people. It is wonderful that your sister is a shiatsu massage therapist, and what a bonus that is for you. Yes, many of the oriental healing modalities to address the meridians, more so than the specific organs. I also love this kind of body work and really can’t imagine my life without it. Glad you enjoyed this post too!
Our bodies are beautifully and wonderfully made. We are made to be in homeostasis, a state of balance and all systems are interactive and support each other. Our bodies have an innate ability to heal itself when we give it what it needs and yes, we are all different and different things work for different people. I haven’t tried acupuncture since it isn’t easily available where I live, but love the concept and can see how it would work.
Beautifully said understanding of how our bodies are designed, Karen. Yes, we are meant to live in a state of dynamic flow and all parts of our system is meant to be in balance with each of the others. We do have incredible power to heal and it is too bad that so much of allopathic medicine treats symptoms only, without addressing the whole being. Yes, acupuncture has the ability to balance energy meridians and bring the body back into homeostasis. At least for a time after the treatment. If you have a chance to experience it for yourself, I believe you would like it.
Thanks for this informative post Beverley. I knew just enough about acupuncture to be dangerous, as my grandmother says.
In a 30-day detox challenge, the coach suggested acupuncture for stress alleviation, which you did not mention. But then, perhaps it is part of the ‘balance’ that you mentioned.
I do practice EFT, which is sometimes said to be ‘acupuncture for the emotions”.
Thanks for sharing about EFT being called the “acupuncture for the emotions”, Rachel. Sounds like a great tool to have in your overall wellness toolkit. Yes, acupuncture can be used for such a wide variety of issues and I know my practitioner uses it for stress with me, but generally in relationship to a specific organ system that is ‘stressed’. I appreciate your input and might check out EFT too!
I have always wondered about acupuncture. I get it and it makes sense and so far the only time I have tried it was with a chiropractor who tried it for my hands – I believe I have Rheynaulds so my hands are always cold and uncomfortable. It didn’t work.. so maybe it wasn’t done correctly?
One of the things I’ve learned about acupuncture, is that there are a lot of people who claim to be acupuncturists, yet do not have the in depth training that is really required. Many people are taking weekend courses, and then saying they are acupuncturists, Kristen. So maybe your chiropractor was just an “added service” kind of practitioner and that is why it might not have worked. Most people report good results, so don’t say never again. It is worth finding someone who does have the training and then giving it another try.
I have always been curious about acupuncture and have researched briefly. Thank you for the depth of information you’ve shared your experiences. I will try it someday too..
So happy this was helpful info for you, Teresa. From all the positive feedback I am hearing, I hope your curiosity leads you to find the perfect acupuncture practitioner for yourself!
Yes, acupuncture has helped me with several things. From allergies to making my old pianist hands not hurt so much when playing wide, wide chords that were no problem in my earlier years. Alas, my favorite acupuncturist has moved to Mexico and I only have a chance to see her once a year.
I love hearing about people’s experiences with acupuncture, Beth. Sounds like you have had wonderful results, especially with your “old pianist hands”. It is always amazing to hear the wide range of issues it helps. Hope you find a new one, in your area, as once a year, is probably not enough.
Fascinating information about acupuncture, Beverley. It was so interesting learning about its origins and how the process works. What an excellent alternative to popping a pill for pain relief and the fact it has preventative powers as well makes it even more appealing.
Appreciate hearing you found this post on acupuncture interesting, Tami! Whenever I do research for pieces like these, I also learn so much new info. It is definitely my go-to, as I am anti any kind of medication that needs to be prescribed. It seems to work for everyone who tries it, as long as you choose a highly qualified practionier. Too many people are doing weekend courses and calling themselves acupuncturists.
I enjoyed rereading about acupuncture as it rekindled my interest. I am committed to moving my body and as a result have little to no back pain. The practitioner I used did check my tongue & pulse. Would need to locate someone new. Also enjoyed the background info.
Glad this piece rekindled an interest in acupuncture for you, Roslyn. I cannot imagine my life without it and I don’t have any specific pain issue. I go for its preventative abilities. Hope you find the perfect acupuncturist, as I know how proactive you are being for your overall health and wellbeing!
I have always wanted to try Acupuncture for my back issues. Thank you for the information.
I think it is definitely worth trying acupuncture for your back issues, Sabrina. It might be just what you need! You’re welcome for the info and hope if you do try acupuncture you find it brings you great results.
I had acupuncture years ago for knee problem which was emotionally based. Results were immediate. It’s been on my mind these last few weeks and I’ll be looking for getting treatment again. Great article and I love the Reston reference.
My experience has always been wonderful with acupuncture too, Joyce, so I am happy to hear you had success with it for your knees…even if the issue was emotionally based. I know many of our physical health issues comes from an emotional base. Maybe it would be interesting to revisit it for yourself, as it sounds like it is top of mind for you. Yes, the Reston reference and the overall ‘history’ of acupuncture is interesting to me as well. Glad you enjoyed this one! You and I both like research based pieces I see.
I haven’t had acupuncture myself, but have had it done on my dogs! And it really works. They’re pretty much immune to the placebo effect too, so I know the technique actually works 🙂
Thanks for all the info, Beverley! Very interesting.
I was just at the vet this week with our dog, Susan, and a poor little guy who had no use of his back legs came out of acupuncture. Happy you are open to acupuncture for your dogs and that it works! It also works on humans. 🙂 It might be interesting to try it for yourself if you have any health issues that could use some tender loving care over and above what you already do for yourself. I know you are very proactive!
You know, I have always been a wee bit curious about acupuncture but I’ve never really looked into it TOO much… Hmm.
Now that I see more about what it is, and what it can help, I am going to look into finding an acupuncturist in the DFW metro!
Can’t say enough about my commitment and belief in acupuncture Natalie. Hope you find a great practitioner in your area and if you have any questions, I would be happy to help. Remember, it is very important to make sure they diagnosis using both the pulses and the tongue. If they are properly trained, they will use these as accurate diagnostic tools! Happy searching.
Hi Beverley,
What an inspiring article! I have never had the opportunity to have acupuncture, but I do have a loved one that has lived with debilitating pain for almost 20 years. I am going to recommend that she read this. Hopefully, it will help. Thank you for sharing your experience!
Thanks so much Robin! I’m delighted to hear that this article might help a loved one who is suffering from chronic debilitating pain. That is one of the things acupuncture is most well-known for, and my only suggestion is to make sure the practitioner is well trained in diagnosing using pulses and tongue. I’ve heard there are acupuncturists who only ask the patient what is wrong with them and treat them without doing any diagnosing of their own. I really hope this is something that will help your loved one, and that you learned some new things about acupuncture through reading about my experiences.
Hi Beverley,
I always learn SOMETHING new on your blog my friend!! I really enjoyed reading about acupuncture and the origins, I had not known this before…thank you for enlightening me 🙂
So happy that you always find something new for yourself in my posts, Joan. I really appreciate hearing this and your support for my writing. Acupuncture deserves to be shared, so I’m delighted this article offered some enlightenment to you. 🙂
Great blog Beverley! Thank you very much! I have never experienced acupuncture, but I have heard many great things about it. I didn’t know acupuncturists can predict up-coming sickness. I totally believe that you feel way better after the treatment. Now I feel I’d like to try it 🙂 Thank you for sharing and educating us about acupuncture today!
The beauty of my practitioner and hopefully most well-trained acupuncturists is that they can detect symptoms by doing the pulses and looking at the tongue, that can foretell possible illness patterns that show up. Glad you are open to acupuncture Kaz and that you’ve heard good things about it too. In my experience, I would recommend it to anyone for everything. Happy you got to learn some new things from this post too! 🙂
Very informative blog I learned more here than I ever knew about Acupuncture. Not sure if it’s for me, I’ll wait and see if it works for Gisele.
Hopefully Gisele will have a fabulous experience Joe, and you’ll see that it is for you. My experience with the range of things acupuncture can circumvent and treat, is that it is for everyone. Happy you learned some new things about acupuncture from this post. Look forward to hearing about both your experiences.
Me too I’ve always thought the experience would be painful, Bev! Needles, haha! However I heard recently from a number of friends how much it helped them with back pain.
Luckily I don’t need it just yet but it’s something to explore in the future. Glad you had a great experience with it.
The great thing about acupuncture Delia, is that it is great to do before you “need” it or are in crisis. I use it primarily now as a preventative therapy and it helps circumvent any possible issues before they are full blown. Yes, I am happy I am spreading the experience with others and look forward to hearing about your experiences with acupuncture when you chose to try it!
I had no idea of how acupuncture was introduced to the U.S. – very interesting. And, of course, not surprising that traditional practitioners tried to shut it down. Glad you’ve found a practitioner who keeps you on the go, Beverley!!
So happy to hear you learned something new in this article Deb! It is surprising to hear how it arrived here, however maybe not so surprising to hear the medical establishment attempted to squash it. Definitely love my practitioner and am also happy I’ve included acupuncture in my health protocol!
I had experience with acupuncture a few years ago as part of a weight loss program. I always felt ok after the treatment, but the discomfort in my lower back returned when I stopped. It comes from sitting too long at computer. I might return to acupuncture but prefer my therapy with my chiropractor.
I think you are right, Roslyn, that sometimes we have to change our patterns and habits to get long-term relief from physical issues like lower back pain. I find acupuncture amazing as a diagnostic tool and use it mostly to support my overall health and well-being, as I know it reads the organ systems and energy centres aligned with them. Each time I go, my pulses indicate something different and I love the fact that Daniella can diagnosis things before they even happen. I guess it is obvious I am committed to acupuncture!
Have it in my planner to checkout licensed practitioners in the area. Just to get a consult and hear what they have to say. Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m probably one in many that thought that it was painful.
Delighted to hear that my post and experiences with acupuncture offered you a new perspective on it, Gisele. I really look forward to hearing what your explorations with it leads to as far as enhancing your own health and well-being. Remember to find a practitioner who has extensive training using both pulse and tongue diagnosis. It makes a big difference overall. If you need some help with a referral from my person, also let me know.
I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of accupuncture therapy, Beverley. Way back in 2004 when I suffered a slipped disc from the metal shelves in my cupboard falling on me, my physiotherapist used accupuncture as part of my treatment along with heat therapy and physio and I got back on my feet much faster than it would have otherwise taken. Thanks for the informative post.
So happy to hear that you have first-hand positive experience with acupuncture, Vatsala. It really works well for the kind of injury you experienced and offers a speedier recovery generally for sure in my experience. I find that using it as a preventative procedure has also worked well for me and has become one of my staples as far as therapies I always go to. Like you, I believe that a combination of therapies is ideal, as they all support and compliment each other. Glad you found this post informative and that it brought back good healing memories for you too!
Hi Beverley. Your blog is really inspiring. It was very interesting to read about acupuncture, and your personal experiences of visiting a therapist. I have just started doing some work for, a website which promotes healthy ageing. For further information, your readers may care to read the following article: Acupuncture for LumbagoIt talks about the possible outcomes of using acupuncture for the treatment of lower back pain. Other articles on back pain and associated conditions can be accessed through this section about the spinal column and back problems on the same site. The author writes from personal experience as she has been suffering from lower back pain since she had an accident and damaged her coccyx and the discs in her lower spine when she was sixteen.
Thanks for reading and commenting Margaret. You might also like my piece “Aging Gracefully in a Culture That Idolizes Youth”. I see that is a topic that you personally have interest in from the website you mentioned. All the best to you and your work.
keep up the excellent work , I read few blog posts on this website and I believe that your blog is really interesting and has sets of good info .
Thanks Mercy. Appreciate you reading and commenting.
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