When I first heard that July is National Ice Cream month, I was immediately transported back to two very powerful and happy memories at the same time. If that’s even possible.
The first memory transported me back to my childhood, hot summer days and my excitement every time I knew I’d have the chance to eat my favorite ice cream, creamy and rich burgundy cherry. Finding those whole cherries within the smooth and decadent cream base. Hmm. Still brings a smile to my face even now.
The second memory was of the wonderful years I worked for a local gourmet ice cream manufacturer, where not only did I have unlimited access to divine ice creams and real fruit sorbets or ices, but I got the inside scoop (sorry, I had to say that) on some of the little-known facts about the whats, whys and hows of creating gourmet frozen desserts.
The History of Ice Cream
Ice Cream has a lengthy and interesting history, it’s origins dating back as far as the 2nd century B.C. Although there are no specific dates of origin or no one particular inventor, we do know that Alexander the Great enjoyed snow flavored with honey and nectar. There are reportedly Biblical references that mention King Solomon’s fondness of iced drinks during the harvest season.
During the Roman Empire, Caesar (AD 54-86) would send runners into the mountains to gather snow which was then flavored with fruits and juices. Over 1000 years later, Marco Polo returned to Italy from the far east with a recipe that is close to what we now call sherbet. This recipe, according to historians, became ice cream as we know it today, sometime in the 16th century.
The evolution of ice cream is fascinating and has definitely captured our imaginations, as ice cream and frozen desserts are consumed by more than 90% of U.S. households. Ice Cream is enjoyed both summer and winter. This kind of popularity has led to ice cream being dubbed by many aficionados as the all-time favourite dessert. Just the mention of ice cream brings a smile to most people’s faces and more often than not, has some strong positive memory associated with it too.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Ice cream is so popular that it has been dubbed as the all-time favourite dessert. #icecream” quote=”Ice cream is so popular that it has been dubbed as the all-time favourite dessert.”]Favourite Ice Cream Flavours
Other than my childhood obsession with burgundy cherry, I also confess that I have had a lifetime fascination with all the creamy and rich vanilla varieties I’ve been able to sample. Those made with real vanilla beans, where you can see the flecks in the product. Nothing beats that for me! Seems I’m not alone, as vanilla still ranks as the favourite flavor in 2015, beating chocolate by a strong 2 to 1 according to the International Dairy Federation of America. (IDFA) Among the rest of the top five are strawberry, cookies ‘n cream, and mint chocolate chip. Surprised?
Not All Ice Creams Are Created Equal
When I worked in the industry I learned that not all ice creams are created equal. If you wonder why premium brands cost more, it’s because you actually do get more for your money. Pick up a pint or ½ litre of a gourmet or premium brand and compare it to a quart or litre of a more economical brand. You may find that they feel like they weigh the same thing.
The reason is that frozen desserts are sold by volume not weight. The denser consistency of an all natural premium brand stems from the fact that little or no air (overrun) is pumped into these products. The light, lower priced products may have up to 100%, sometimes even 200% overrun. All frozen desserts do need some air or they would be hard as a rock, but premium brands stay well under 50%. The lower the overrun, the creamier, smoother and richer the ice cream tastes! Less air means fewer ice crystals and fewer ice crystals mean you get that melt-in-your-mouth creaminess that makes ice cream so irresistible to the palate.
Healthy Ice Cream Choices
With so many current health and dietary concerns, it’s wonderful that many companies are making healthy and delicious alternatives to traditional ice cream products. The company I worked for made the most heavenly all natural real fruit sorbets, which consisted of primarily real fruit, plus a small amount of sugar and stabilizer. I found it interesting to learn that the sugar was more for creating consistency than it was for sweetening.
There is now a wide range of products made with soy, rice and coconut milk as the base and many use healthy sweeteners like stevia, agave or no sweetener at all. I was fascinated by the variety of new frozen dessert products now available to the discerning consumer. I even found a product that uses cashew cream as their product base. Can’t wait to get back to Arizona where this company distributes. If you do a little bit of research, you’ll find the perfect product for you.
Sherbet or Sorbet?
When I was younger I also used to eat sherbet, generally, rainbow sherbet, as I wasn’t always as conscious of my health and the ingredients I consumed, as I am now. One of the biggest misunderstandings relating to sherbet is the belief that they are dairy free. Not so. Sherbet can have a milk fat content of 1-2%, so if you have a dairy sensitivity, beware.
It’s amazing the range of possibilities for creating unusual flavors and combinations. Our company made everything from garlic ice cream to beet borscht and even carrot sorbet. I’ve read that basically anything is possible and found such unique flavors as dill pickle, jalapeno, and avocado reported by those in the ice cream know.
These varieties may not be widely available, but with the popularity of frozen desserts, it is becoming easier to find new flavors and combinations on the retail shelf. Even seasonal flavors like honey pumpkin ice cream or blood orange sorbet were within the repertoire of the company I worked with. We even made Ice Wine Sorbet supplied directly from the winery!
Fun Ice Cream Facts
Here are some fun facts I uncovered in my research. It takes 50 licks to finish one single scoop of ice cream. Hopefully, that’s enough licks to savor the flavor. Sunday is the day of the week that most ice cream is sold. In fact, in 2016, Sunday, July 17th is National Ice Cream day.
If you wonder who eats the most ice cream, it’s kids aged 2-12 and adults over 45. Australia and the U.S. are tied at number one for ice cream consumption. Canada is also in the top ten, sitting at 7th or 8th place. Interesting.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Did you know it takes 50 licks to finish a single scoop of ice cream? #NationalIceCreamMonth” quote=”Did you know it takes 50 licks to finish a single scoop of #icecream? #NationalIceCreamMonth “]Tips for Optimizing Your Ice Cream Experience
A couple of tips I learned, might help make your frozen dessert experience even yummier. It’s not wise to refreeze any frozen dessert product, especially ice cream, as ice crystals form and make the product less palatable. Also, be wary of eating ice cream that has been melted and refrozen—milk and warm temperatures are breeding ground for bacteria.
Another invaluable tip, if you have the patience to wait, is to take your frozen dessert out of the freezer and put it in the fridge for 15 minutes before you try to scoop it. This helps temper the product throughout and makes it much easier to serve. A scoop or spoon dipped in warm water also helps a lot. Between -5 and 0 degrees F is the best temperature for storing ice cream! And, between 6 and 10 degrees F is the best temperature for serving it!
July is National Ice Cream Month
Knowing July is National Ice Cream month, how can we resist. Summer is a great time to enjoy life and indulge ourselves a little. Maybe even be daring and try something new. I’d love to hear about any unusual flavors or combinations you’ve been able to find and taste, or even make yourself! I’d also love to hear about new products you’ve found that are perfect for those with health and dietary concerns.
Enjoying Life and Staying Healthy
When it comes to our health and enjoyment of life, it’s important to indulge ourselves occasionally so we don’t feel deprived. Summer and Ice Cream seem to be the perfect time for those indulgences! If you find that your cravings are controlling you, there is a way to kick your food cravings and balance your blood sugar with USANA’s MySmartFoods. Message me to find out more.
For more info and to schedule a Complimentary Health Consultation, please reach out and connect with me. If you’re curious to see how healthy you are, the True Health Assessment takes only 10 minutes and offers a three-part report, on hereditary factors, lifestyle and nutritional suggestions to support your health.
I’ll leave you with a fun quote from Peanuts creator, Charles M. Schulz. “Life is like an ice cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time.” What’s your favourite flavor?
If it is ice cream, I love it all. Traditional ice cream, sherbet, sorbet, frozen yogurt, snow ice…. you name it, I love it! I’m not surprised to hear about the historical use of snow.
Like you, I have always loved frozen desserts, Jennifer! I remember loving grape snow cones when I was a kid, but now wouldn’t eat those because of all the sugar. I love the history of things, so hearing it originated by flavouring snow was fascinating to me too!
Pistachio got my vote. Last weekend, I went to Lake Geneva, WI and I just can’t resist as there is a great ice cream parlor there. Of course, I ordered pistachio but I also saw coffee. I am not really a coffee drinker but I love coffee ice cream. So, that was the indulgence for that Friday.
It sounds like you got to visit a local dairy in Wisconsin, Lorii. Although pistachio isn’t my first choice I imagine it was delicious! Glad you enjoyed your Friday ice cream indulgence. Maybe you’ll choose coffee next time.
Ice cream is a fun dessert for kids and grownups. I can’t eat dairy and am happy to say that dairy alternatives are popping up all over the place. Glad to see you mentioned some!
There truly is something about ice cream that both kids and adults love, Cathy! I also love that there are so many alternatives now, as dairy is an issue for many people. The cashew frozen dessert I buy in the U.S. is delicious. Enjoy whichever ones you do eat!
Hi Beverley,
I do vaguely recall seeing a notification about ice cream; however, I thought it was just announcing a national ice cream “day”. An entire month, eh?
I probably have ice cream on average twice a year since an adult. Like you, I have fond childhood memories of enjoying these treats. A relative worked for a gentleman who owned an ice cream store and she would bring ice cream home to us every day. Perhaps that is why lost interest in it other than a nice bowl of chocolate ice cream occasionally.
As it turns out Rachel, there is a national ice cream day within national ice cream month. July seems to be the perfect choice for ice cream too.
It is wonderful to have someone bring ice cream home, that was my experience working for a gourmet ice cream company too. So many flavours and experimental combos to try, but somehow I always return to my favourites. Like you, I don’t eat ice cream often now, because of the sugar content, but the memories it brings, have stayed with me throughout my life! Enjoy your chocolate ice cream when you do indulge.
I love ice cream! However, since we’ve drastically reduced our dairy consumption, we enjoy it less frequently. This makes ice cream an even bigger, more delectable treat for us. Its coconut milk cousins are delicious too, but nothing beats old fashioned ice cream. I’m talking about the kind made of only a few ingredients and without all of the junk. Like you, ice cream prompts good memories. Loved your tips & facts. I had no idea about refreezing & bacteria–good to know. I’m not sure I’ve ever met a flavor I didn’t like, but you mentioned avocado I don’t think that one sounds appealing!
Happy to hear you have found some of the alternative ‘ice creams’ Meghan and yes, coconut based desserts are delicious. I agree about old-fashioned rich and creamy ice cream too. Nothing really takes its place. The cashew product I found is quite good if you happen to come across it. Glad you like the tips and facts and I bet a lot of people don’t realize it is unhealthy to refreeze ice cream once it is melting. There are so many gourmet flavours now that I think there is literally something for everyone’s taste!
Life used to be simple when there was only vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Now, there are so many exotic flavors to taste that anytime is a good time for ice cream. That’s the line of reasoning I’m using to indulge.
You’re right about the fact that there are enough flavours now to make everyday a good one for ice cream, Joyce! I am still a vanilla person, although I also love Burgundy cherry too. Seems that in every category these days, there are endless choices to tempt us.
I even love MAKING homemade ice cream… never been a sherbet fan but don’t mind lower fat ice cream.. which started from my Weight Watchers days… and now when I eat full fat ice cream.. not so fond of it.
That’s fun to make your own ice cream, Kristen! It’s interesting how your palette has changed too and how high fat, isn’t as appealing anymore. I’ve also found that my palette for many foods I used to love has now changed and they don’t taste as good as I imagine they will.
The word “Icecream” brings back fun memories. I have always loved eating it, especially in my teenage years. Presently, I have a different lifestyle and do enjoy Icecream once in a while ( Vanilla flavor). I bet that it is not easy to fight the urge, but I need to stay in shape and healthy too.
Ice cream generally brings back so many childhood memories for many of us Apolline. And yes, I don’t eat too much of it now either, but once in a while, it is a wonderful indulgence. Like you, I’ve always been a vanilla person too.
Haha! Love the Schulz quote. Perfect! My favorite flavor is Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy. A friend of mine recommended it to me as a way to cope (short term) with the death of my beloved cat, Rascal. It worked.
Agree that the Schulz quote is great, Jackie! Now hearing Chocolate Therapy, I get the sense that it is pretty intense and decadent. Happy it was helpful in your short term time of need. Funny how certain foods can do that for us.
Wow, so many perspectives on ice cream and ice cream flavors. Vanilla and chocolate were my favorites as a kid. I remember when Hagen Das came out at a promotional price of $1 for their quart container. It was also a great branding success because everyone thought it was a special ice cream. No one was exactly certain of the source but because it was so rich and creamy maybe it was from Bavaria. In reality, it came from the Bronx. lol
What a fun memory of your childhood and ice cream, Joyce! I was a big Hagen Daz Vanilla fan myself and could eat a pint in a sitting. I don’t remember any inexpensive promo, but definitely always had their rich, creamy vanilla pints on hand when I was younger. I don’t think I could even eat it now, however, fond memories and always fun times too. Thanks for sharing you vanilla and chocolate favourites, as that makes it much easier to choose I imagine.
What a fun post. My favorite treat is ice cream. Comes from my memories of childhood. My Dad would have a bowl of icecream with me while I sat on his lap. Wow, at 48, that memory still brings me comfort. My favorite ice cream is Coldstone Creamery’s Cheesecake flavor. I don’t buy any for me at home since I try to avoid it most of the times, but ever so often my husband and I will celebrate something with a Like It size bowl of IC at Coldstone. On occasion if I want something like it at home I will take greek yogurt and frozen strawberries and blend into a creaminess.
I love that your happy memories of childhood also include ice cream, Karen. It’s also wonderful to have your dad as part of that memory. I think we used to go to Dairy Queen for soft serve ice cream cones with my father. It is so many years ago now. I would love Cheesecake Ice Cream and when I am in the Arizona, maybe I will indulge and try it. I also don’t eat ice cream very often and don’t bring it into the house for sure. I like your idea of combining frozen strawberries with greek yogurt and then blending it into a creamy ice cream like dessert too!
My favourite ice cream has to be Baskin Robin’s Carmel Almond Crunch. I cant’ get enough of it. It’s interesting Canada was down the list from USA. I think probably it’s because it’s hard to eat ice cream when it’s cold, but our thirst for ice cream quadruples once warm temperatures come. 😀
In my ice cream eating days, I also loved caramel…everything. Sounds like your favourite flavour is a rich combo of delicious flavours, Gilly. I know when I was eating burgundy cherry, I couldn’t get enough of it either. Yes, someone wrote that in Russia, they eat ice cream even in the cold weather. I guess we Canadians save most of our ice cream eating for the hot summer days. Enjoy your Caramel Almond Crunch now that summer is officially here! 🙂
I love ice cream, but being vegan I don’t eat any dairy products. I never found the soy, almond milk or coconut milk varieties very good. But, they now have cashew milk ice cream which is fabulous! and yes, I even though I’m a personal trainer, nutritionist and health coach, I do indulge in cashew milk ice cream almost weekly. It’s all about lifestyle, not diet!
So happy you love the cashew milk frozen desserts, Lisa! I love travelling to Arizona, as I mentioned, that is the only place I have been able to get them. They are wonderful! I think it is important to indulge ourselves once in a while too, as it removes any sense of feeling deprived. Yes, it is about lifestyle, not diet!
50 licks to finish 1 scoop of ice cream? That is trivia I MUST share with my friends. 🙂
I love ice cream, Beverley. My earliest memory of softie ice cream is from New York and the musical van that would pull up outside our apartment building during the summer. Something about the taste of that ice cream has stayed with me.
The Russians make exquisite ice cream too. Imagine eating it during the cold winter months. I didn’t believe it until I went to live in Minsk for a short while. Loved your post. Happy National Ice Cream Month!
Thanks so much for sharing some of your ice cream memories, Vatsala! It is always amazing how these memories stay with us. I wonder if you returned to New York and sampled the softie ice cream again if it would taste the same as you remember it?
Happy you loved that ice cream fact, as I honestly think I used to inhale my ice cream, or at least it seemed like that, as I would eat it so fast. 🙂 The interesting thing is that ice cream is now eaten all year round, not just in summer, so your memory of eating Russian ice cream in the cold winter months isn’t that surprising. It sounds like you have a wide range of ‘ice cream’ memories and experiences. How lovely and especially as ice cream is one of those memory making life experiences.
What a fun post Beverley! I would agree that eating ice cream is one of the best things to do in the summer 🙂 I especially love eating Klondike bars (dark chocolate) my all time favorite!
Thanks for sharing your happy memories and how great it is to just sit and enjoy ice cream 🙂
I remember Klondike bars, Joan! Yes, they are delicious in my memory. Ice cream is such a universal and yet so personal an experience for all of us it seems. Glad you have such amazing memories of ice cream in your own life too! You’re welcome and hope some of these ice cream facts were new to you! 🙂
Ice cream has always been such a fun treat and included in many childhood memories. I loved vanilla too. And those home made churns…yum. Unfortunately now I know better about the harm in sugar and milk I now stay way from ice cream unless I make the new raw food way….no animal, no sugar and all natural. It really can be delicious that way too. 🙂
You sound like you have many happy memories of ice cream and your childhood, Teresa! I do too. Yes, for those of us who are very health conscious, ice cream is not necessarily on our regular menu, yet with all the healthy alternatives, there is something I believe for everyone. If you can eat nuts, you might love the cashew based frozen desserts, as I first found them in Arizona! You sound like you also have your own raw recipe for delicious frozen desserts, and bravo for taking that on and finding an all natural and delicious option for yourself and family!
Reading this for a 2nd or 3rd time now, I’m hankering for ice cream. I don’t like cold or icy so sorbet & sherbet was ever my interest. Love French vanilla, chocolate & peanut butter.chocolate.
What I love about your blogs is the story & info you include. It is so easy to get caught up in memories & wanting a fast trip to our freezer, but self control prevails. As I’ve chosen to cut back on sugar, I don’t treat myself to ice cream too often any more. I never ate it for the sweetness, more for the creaminess & flavor. I will indulge over the holiday weekend.
Although I also love ice cream, I don’t eat it very often for the same reasons you share, Roslyn. Too sweet, although I love the creaminess as I love full fat dairy products. Thanks so much for your kind words about my writing..how you enjoy both the story aspect and the research and information I share. That means a lot to me. 🙂 It is very easy to get caught up in the memories of what used to be, as each time I try burgundy cherry ice cream again, somehow it doesn’t ‘taste’ the way I remember it. That is true of many things in my life, as I have changed my palate dramatically since my childhood. Enjoy your weekend indulgences and I hope the flavour satisfies you in ways you remember!
As a longtime no-dairy-eating woman, I’m happy to have found coconut-based ersatz ice cream here in the bay area (Green Girls brand). It’s so good!
I’ve tried the cashew as well, which is not as appealing.
Great summer post, thanks.
Thanks for sharing about the coconut-based ersatz ice cream, Sue! I know each region in the U.S. has their own regional manufacturers, so next time I’m in the southwest, I’ll look for Green Girls. Especially if you like it better than the cashew based product which I love and can only find in Arizona. Happy Summer!
When you wrote about clouds, I wanted to run outside and lie in the grass and look up at the clouds in the sky. Now you’re writing about ice cream and I simply MUST run to the kitchen and sample some of the Trader Joe Chocolate Mint Chip we have stored in the freezer (I know what it tastes like, I just have to see if it still tastes as good as it did yesterday!) Thanks for the post and the memories – your description of that cherry ice cream from childhood – my revelation was the amazing deliciousness of strawberry ice cream – it’s still a favorite! What fun! Thank you, Beverley!
I am so happy that my posts are inspiring you to watch clouds and now to eat ice cream, Reba! Oh, the power of suggestion. 🙂 You sound like you are a chocolate mint lover and I love that Trader Joe’s has their own brand just for you. Ice cream is definitely one of those memory makers and I also love hearing how many people have sweet childhood memories of the flavours they loved! I haven’t had a good strawberry ice cream in many years, so I hope that you are still able to find a version that brings back your delicious memories of your childhood! Enjoy!
I love ice cream, and quite enjoyed your creative play. Due to a dairy intolerance, I now enjoy almond ice cream and then just discovered cashew. Made me do a happy dance! xoxo
Thanks Natasha! There are so many healthy alternatives now to traditional ice cream that it takes the possibilities for frozen desserts to a new place. I also LOVE the cashew ‘ice cream’ and can only get it when I travel to the southwest. Maybe there are new brands popping up, as nut creams are becoming more widely available in so many forms! Enjoy yours..and love that it makes you do a happy dance! xo
How fun was this.. and informative. I like ice cream but it’s not really my go to.. but when it is I prefer Skinny Dip from Va Beach or Ben & Jerry’s usually…
Most people love ice cream and it is their go to, Kristen, so I am surprised not so for you. It sounds like you do have your favourites though and when the mood strikes, know where to go to get them. Yes, ice cream has a lot of interesting and long history associated with it, so I’m happy you found this informative.
I do love ice cream! I had no idea that it’s as old as it is – and what a cool job that you got to work in a gourmet ice-cream shop! I’m jealous!
Thanks for your ice cream envy, Joan! Yes, working for the gourmet ice cream company was a wonderful experience in the food industry. I did a lot of learning and research during my years there and am happy that some of the info shared is new to so many people. Enjoy your ice cream, as I have a feeling you are an ice cream lover.
What a fun article – love all the interesting facts. Vanilla has always been my favourite. I wonder what garlic ice cream tastes like? We were watching Masterchef Australia the other night during Heston week and the challenge was to produce savoury ice creams. The ones that stood out in my memory were vegemite and toast and prawn cocktail.
Thanks Tami! Another vanilla lover, which proves why vanilla is still the all-time favourite flavour. I am not a garlic lover so wouldn’t even venture to guess what the ice cream tastes like. Those sound like very unusual savoury flavours, and neither vegemite and toast or prawn cocktail would interest me. I think there is even a bacon ice cream now too! Seems like when it comes to ice cream, all flavours are possible!
Ice cream is truly one of my favorite treats! Breyers Vanilla, then Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia are probably my faves…
Interesting that ice cream has been around so long, since refrigeration and freezing capabilities were probably limited! And I am surprised to hear vanilla is favored 2-1 over chocolate!
I have been eating more ice cream lately because I have found it a viable remedy for an oncoming migraine… ? Great images, too… You made me want some now!
Awe, Kimberly, another vanilla person! And yes, I love cherries in ice cream, although I think Ben and Jerry’s might have chocolate too. Ice Cream does have a long history and it surprises people to hear that vanilla remains a 2-1 favourite to chocolate. With all the chocolate lovers and chocolate ice cream variations, I am also surprised. I didn’t know that ice cream works for migraines and I wonder if it is the cold and creamy texture of it. I know how important images are to you, so I appreciate hearing that you appreciated these! Thanks!
I’m eating in a much healthier way these days. I grew up having dessert at dinner time every day. Fortunately, ice cream has never been a weakness for me…have never cared much for it.
My struggle always has been and still is the “all or nothing” thinking I learned somewhere along the line. I want my eating to allow for all types of foods. I’d rather not totally avoid some of the things I really enjoy, such as chocolate ice cream…I make an exception for that 😉 But I find it difficult to manage some of those delights! If I have one bowl of chocolate ice cream, I want another. Many times I can manage that well, but other times, not so much. So that’s it in a nutshell: the all or nothing thinking!
I’ve transformed my eating patterns so much since my youth as well, Rachel! I absolutely get the ‘all or nothing’ way of being too. In some ways I still am, so often I am better to stay away from something altogether than to even begin. Eating a pint of ice cream or a bag of potato chips is easy for me, even though I don’t feel well after. It sounds like you are highly aware of this pattern in you and that to some degree you have ‘mastered’ it knowing it isn’t healthy for you. I also come from a family who has the ‘all or nothing’ behaviour pattern and my mother was always encouraging us to eat, eat, eat, so I really get where that came from in me. I’ve learned that once we balance our blood sugar, often our food cravings disappear and we do have more control over that part of how we eat. Once I just to start, I’d eat something until it was finished. 🙂 I wish you success in mastering your ‘all or nothing’ thinking and behaviour, Rachel!
Okay, you just made me absolutely lust for ice cream! I love the history, too. Funny thing, I’ve pretty much given up sugar, so I don’t buy cream for me anymore. But, when one of my girls is whelping, I feed her ice cream for the sugar and calcium to keep her going. Then of course, I get some too! Don’t know why this gives me a free pass to consume, but it does. LOL. And of course, we ONLY serve Blue Bell here 🙂
I love hearing that your girls are the ice cream eaters in your household, Susan! I imagine they love the cold creamy feel of it, along with the sugar and the calcium as you mention. I could be a push over for ice cream, however, because I don’t really eat it anymore either, I find I don’t feel too well after even a small amount. I used to love frozen desserts and now I seem to have transformed those cravings. Yes, once I start, it does feel like a free pass to keep eating it. Dairies are so regional so it is interesting to hear that Blue Bell is your state’s dairy of choice! I’ll look for that next time I’m in Arizona, as I imagine it gets shipped there too! Enjoy if you do indulge! 🙂
What a fun post, Beverley! I have a dairy sensitivity and need to stay away from all ice cream. But, I do like the new alternative brands. Soy is OK but can get boring because that is my go to frozen dessert for years. So, being able to try different nut frozen desserts are great. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thanks so much Sabrina! Happy you found this post fun. It’s amazing how much ice cream I used to eat and yet now, I don’t seem to be called to eat it. The alternatives for people who have dairy sensitivities continues to grow and many of them actually do taste like ice cream. Sorbets are a good alternative if you love fruit and any of the nut based ones, have the same texture as ice cream without the dairy! Enjoy and let me know if you find something new worth sharing!
Reading this made me smile! Chocolate is my favorite flavor at present, but homemade vanilla ice cream is my all time favorite. What a lovely post!
Thanks Gina for weighing in on your favourite flavours. Not being much of a chocolate person, it is interesting to hear that people enjoy both chocolate and vanilla. Glad the piece brought a smile to your face too.
who knew ice cream had it’s own month? I love simple ice cream flavours like good vanilla and rich chocolate
Simple and pure flavours for me too Jo! Especially vanilla. Have never been a chocolate fan, so it is interesting to hear that you enjoy both vanilla and chocolate.
This is such a fun post–and I cannot believe vanilla is no. 1!
Glad you found it fun and yes, vanilla continues to be number 1 Jessica, beating chocolate by a 2-1 mile.
I love almost any flavor that is fruit – but my absolute is cherry and vanilla. YUM, YUM, YUM!!!
Me too Don! Love burgundy cherry and vanilla as well. Yum is right.
We love ice cream in the dojo… this is totally making me want some especially in this humid weather… I can eat ice cream all year long!
Yes to ice cream all year Kungphoo! And summer is the time of year to indulge, especially in the hot and humid weather.
I had no idea that it is ice-cream month! That is good news for a lot of folks! Great excuse to eat lots of it. I don’t eat ice-cream anymore with my almost raw vegan diet but I remember that my favorite flavor was cake batter from Coldstone. That was some yummy stuff!
How my goodness, Veronica, “cake batter” sounds incredibly decadent! There are lots of frozen desserts now that might fit in with a raw vegan diet. Especially the one that is made from raw cashew butter, which I first found in Arizona. I don’t eat much anymore either, because of the high sugar content of most frozen desserts. Should be a fun month for lots of ice cream lovers though!
My favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla. Of course, I love fresh berries, chocolate syrup, and chopped walnuts served on top. You are right, there is definitely a difference in the quality of ice creams. My favorite place to stop for ice cream is Cold Stone. I do not keep ice cream in the house, otherwise it is my downfall.
Mine is also Vanilla, Pat and I can eat it as is, pure vanilla. I like the idea of fresh berries and walnuts on it! That sounds fabulous too. I’ve got a soft spot for butterscotch syrup, however, the sugar content keeps me away these days. Cold Stone is incredibly rich and creamy and a small amount is very filling and satisfying.
A lovely post Beverley on one of my favorite subjects, ice cream! Thanks!
Thanks so much Vivian! I think ice cream is a favourite subject of many, many people. 🙂
You may have written his in 2011 but boy how it is still relevant today. Love all the facts about ice cream. I probably won’t remember them when out and about but might count how many licks it will take me to finish a cone. Choc is my favorite with peanut butter/choc 2nd, vanilla 3rd. Gaining a taste for coconut based ice cream. And its true, every local ice cream stand is mobbed on Sundays about 7pm.
Thanks Roslyn! I think “ice cream” is an ever green topic, as it brings up some powerful memories for us all. I’ve also tried the coconut based ice creams and although they are a good alternative, for me nothing beats the creamy richness of ice cream. I don’t indulge much these days, as it is still challenging to find great tasting ice creams without sugar, however, there are more and more coming to the market. I always chose sorbet, as it is cooling and offers a rich fruit experience. Yes, all the parlours or stands here are packed as soon as the weather gets hot too!
How I wish we also have a National Ice cream month here in the Philippines, Beverley. I’m sure kids will love it! And another wish is to have a free or discounted ice cream for the family! Lol! I’m wishing for too much today. Sweet post.
Glad this brought up some wishes for you Rochefel! It’s such a fun topic and has so many emotional memories for many people. I am sure in the Philippines, ice cream, or something like it, is also popular and that people get to indulge in their favourite flavours too!
This is quite interesting, ice cream has so much behind it! Thank you for sharing!
Yes, Meryl, there is a lot more behind ice cream than maybe we stop to think about. It certainly speaks to people’s emotional selfs, as most of us have some memory that ice cream brings up for us. And it tastes good! Happy there are now healthy alternatives to choose from.
I LOVE ice cream! Thanks so much for this informative and fun July blog!!! I often threaten to work at an ice cream parlor so I won’t want to devour so much ice cream (I’ve been told that works, but I doubt it since I STILL love flowers & gift baskets, even after 18 years!).
Tina, I’m with you on LOVING ice cream! I used to eat a pint at a time, if I started. When I would be at events giving out free ice cream, I really saw how much people love it and how it is one of those universal feel good things. Even though you love flowers and gift baskets, maybe you could do a “flower and ice cream day” and offer something new for your customers. So happy to hear how much you still love your chosen business too. And like ice cream, it makes people happy! 🙂
I believe that avoiding ready-made foods is the first step so that you can lose weight. They might taste excellent, but packaged foods have very little vitamins and minerals, making you consume more only to have enough energy to get with the day. When you are constantly feeding on these foods, transferring to cereals and other complex carbohydrates will make you to have more energy while eating less. Interesting blog post.
Thanks for reading and commenting. Agree that food quality is becoming increasingly important as the world becomes more complicated and food more adulterated.
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Hi Kim. Happy to see you found the blog. And I look forward to your comments when you return.