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The Beauty and Fascination of Time

By June 14, 2016June 22nd, 2016Creativity, Inspiration, Living

Old Pocket Watch Dials_Time PiecesThe idea of “time” has remained a mystery, yet holds an intrigue to mankind. One of the earliest things we learn to do is to ‘tell time,’ yet as we get older we often feel that we are ‘running out of time’.  When we fall in love, it feels, ‘timeless,’ or we call a chance meeting, ‘perfect timing’. Whether time is on our side, or not, our lives indisputably revolve around the concept of time. Without time, there can be no change.

Fascination with Time

Personally, I’ve always had a deep fascination with time and how it influences our lives. On a trip to California in the early 1990s, I happened on an artisan street fair and was captivated by one designer’s “time” pieces, which were designed from discarded CD’s and old watch parts. Of course, I bought one to bring home, and the idea stayed with me. When I returned to Toronto, I was inspired to ‘borrow’ the idea and began designing my own recycled watch part jewelry. The fact that all of my creative endeavors up to then had been performing or writing, didn’t stop me.

So many people told me, “You’ll NEVER to be able to find enough old watch parts to sustain your designs.” Challenge accepted.

By the time I stopped designing, I’d taken apart, (with the help of my former husband), thousands of old unrepairable watches. When I finally sold many of the remaining parts to a practicing watchmaker, I’d venture to guess they numbered in the millions.

The Beauty in Time Pieces

Women's Watch Part Pendant_Recycling to Create something newWhat struck me was the beauty of the parts, especially the older timepieces with their ruby or diamond movements and handcrafted faces. I was always curious about the story or history behind the watch piece and realized there is a whole psychology around the idea of time.

I’ve even kept hundreds of old never used samples of watch faces, simply because I find them beautiful to look at. Inevitably I found that both women and men were equally attracted to my designs. This, I believe, is because most of us have an attraction and curiosity about time. It supersedes gender.

Even now, you’ll never find me without a watch on my wrist. When I was rather serendipitously approached by the JORD watch company, asking me if I’d like to participate with them to spread the word about their watches, I was intrigued and visited their website to see what they were about.

Commitment to Quality Wrist Watches

Their mission statement spoke to the creator and artisan in me. “JORD is run by artists, designers, marketers, and minders. We spend our days creating, considering, arguing, and hopefully agreeing. Then we’ll scrap it all for the joy of starting new. We have fun. This is our journey.” You can probably see why that alone captured my curiosity.

As if that wasn’t enough, this resonated with me and made the only answer a resounding “YES.” “We are focused on creating timepieces that are modeled after a modern lifestyle. We value sustainability, efficiency, and experiential living. We make our watches for people who don’t just have somewhere to be, they have somewhere to go.” I really got this.

Philosophy Behind JORD’s Unique Watches

JORD Ladies Wrist Watch_Time PieceMoments are bigger than minutes and your watch should tell more than time.” That clinched it for me.

While looking through all of their women’s watches, I was attracted to the Green Sandalwood and Maple because of it’s unusual look. What’s fabulous about all JORD watches are their real wood watch bands, each very unique and different from the other.

Women’s Watches with Real Wood Bands

The wrist watch I chose is made from natural green sandalwood and maple, hand finished and pretreated with tung oils. Although “The Ely” is splash-proof, it’s recommended not to submerge it in water. They’re easy to maintain, as they suggest lemon or orange oil extract is best for cleaning the natural wood.

Similar to all of our precious jewelry, the best way to store your watch, is by avoiding extremely hot, cold, and excessively dry/humid environments. Something my friend Roslyn Tanner Evans, who designs gorgeous jewelry inspired by nature, had told me before. It was challenging to choose just one, as all of their women’s watches are equally stunning! There are definitely several of the ladies watches that caught my eye and I kept thinking they would make incredibly unique gifts. For women or for men.

When I received the watch, I was struck by how much more beautiful it is than I imagined. And, it’s incredibly light weight. Something that surprised me considering the real wood watchband. The Swiss movements and sapphire glass that JORD uses in many of their watches also harkens back to quality craftsmanship of years gone by, made modern for today’s world. It took me back to my years designing recycled watch part jewelry and I dug out some of the old watches I still had. Just to admire their beauty again.

Cool and Creative Gifts

Another thing I appreciate about JORD is how easy they make it to own one of their cool watches. Until July 10th, they’re celebrating summer with a giveaway. One winner chosen at random by their computer will win a $75 e-voucher. Everyone who enters (excluding the winner) will get a $20.00 e-gift card that can be applied to any watch on their website!  A unique summer gift for yourself or someone you love perhaps?

Thanks to JORD for finding me and helping to bring back so many happy memories of my days designing recycled watch part jewelry. I’m curious. Which of their women’s watches caught your eye? What is your relationship with time and are you as fascinated by time as I am?

p.s. Don’t forget to take a chance at winning their summer giveaway too!JORD Ladies Wrist Watches_Time Collage

Best Wooden Watch

Beverley Golden

Beverley Golden is a writer, storyteller, peacenik and health & vitality consultant, who loves testing unconventional ways to shift paradigms in the playing fields of health and wellness, storytelling and creativity as a path to world peace. Her passion is turning the “impossible” into the possible, using her own experiences with a lifetime of health issues, to inspire and support others to live their life to the fullest. You're invited to a Complimentary Health Consultation, starting with the True Health Assessment that offers a customized personalized snapshot of how healthy you are in the areas of lifestyle, heredity and nutrition. Contact me to get started!


  • saki komai says:

    Very Informative. Precise and useful information.

    Thank you for sharing your article.

  • Hi Beverley,

    Really amazing post 🙂

    I am very much impressed with the idea of wooden watches. I would like to get one for me and one for my father.

    Thanks for giving such a creative piece of idea. Do such great work more and more…..

    Looking forward to know such more interesting ideas from you 🙂 🙂

  • Stella Chiu says:

    Hi, Beverley

    I used to make jewelry because I love recreated things. Love your creation! The watches are beautiful, and the wood is really unique.
    I don’t wear watch anymore. I mainly use my cellphone to keep the time.

    Stella Chiu

    • Love hearing that you also enjoyed designing jewelry from reused things, Stella. It is so much fun to find the parts and then to create something new! I appreciate hearing that you like my recycled watch creation.

      Yes, the JORD Watches are truly beautiful and unique is the perfect word to describe them too. I think they are wonderful statement pieces, even for those who now rely on their technology to keep the time.

  • Wooden watch bands. Wow, if I was ever gonna wear a watch again, that would be the one. But I’m a convert to using the phone as my timepiece.

    Thanks, I love how you go deep and always so interesting!

    • They are stunning watches, Sue! I also was very curious to see and feel a watch with a wooden band. Love the company philosophy too. So many seem to have abandoned their watches for telling time from technology.

      Appreciate hearing that you love how deep I go and that it is interesting to you! Thanks…

  • It’s really lovely to see how people are bringing their passion to their products and doing so in a sustainable way. I love your unique style, Beverley. I haven’t worn a watch for several years now. If I were to need one, I would surely be tempted by these!

    • Thanks for your appreciation of my unique style, Sandra. It means a lot to me. So many people don’t wear watches now and yet I see the JORD watches as statement jewelry pieces. Happy to hear you would be tempted to consider one of these if you were to wear a watch again!

  • Suzie Cheel says:

    This is wonderful Beverley, Love the images and funny as now i don’t wear a watch and rely on my phone etc I just adore the recycled piece- I want one xx

    • Thanks so much Suzie! I really appreciate hearing that you love my images and also my recycled watch jewelry. Those were fun days of designing them, never knowing for sure what the final piece would emerge like. Thanks for wanting one too! xo

  • Diane Topkis says:

    I love your art pieces, Beverley. For several years I didn’t wear a watch since I always had my phone. Now I love watches as jewelry. Will have to put the Jords on my giftlist!

    • Thank you so much Diane! I appreciate hearing that you love my art pieces. It was so much fun to find the parts and design the jewelry. The JORD watches are quite outstanding and I think it is a great idea to put one on your gift list! They are definitely a jewelry piece that makes a statement.

  • What lovely watches though I think I prefer someting with more flexibility. I rarely wear a watch anymore since it’s so easy to the time on my phone but this is more than just a time piece.

    • Surprisingly Marquita, the watch bands are very, very flexible. When I originally heard “wood” bands, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As I mention, they are very light weight and I don’t even feel like it is on my wrist. I have never gone for very long without wearing a watch, although I do know that many people like you, use their phone or other technology that is near most of us all the time. JORD watches are truly artisan pieces and definitely more than just a time piece!

  • That must have been something else getting all those pieces for your arts. I love the stylish design of the JORD Watches.

    • Thanks for recognizing the effort that went into finding all those watch pieces to create my recycled watch jewelry, Marielle! It was an adventure of exploration indeed. Yes, the JORD watches are truly beautiful and I love the energy and philosophy of the company too!

  • Karen says:

    I love these watches and will probably buy one (but waiting for the contest winner to be announced first 😉 ) So unique! I love that they’re made from wood, and the values behind the company.

    I admire watches as a jewelry and accessory. As for time? I think it’s an illusion. It’s basically a human invention we need to linearly move through life, keep agreements, and function in the 3D realm. But beyond this earthly dimension, I think time as we perceive it in our limited human capacity (past, present future) and perception of time doesn’t exist, and that in those higher dimensions we are entirely unbounded by time.

    Still – I haven’t spent any significant “time” in those dimensions that I can recall so if I do I’ll let you know!!

    • So happy you saw these watches, Karen, as they really are exquisite! I hope you win too! They are very unique and as you read, I love the philosophy of the company and what they stand for.

      Yes, we both are aware that time is a human invention, yet it plays such a key part in our lives as you say. I would love to drift in a state of timelessness just to experience it, yet I imagine we are so conditioned to be in sync with some kind of ‘time’, that it would feel strange and maybe even uncomfortable. The closest I might have come was my one time astral traveling while awake. Very interesting experience. We of course do astral travel during sleep and yet our dreams still have the essence of earthly time injected into them. Please let me know if you do have any experiences of traveling in a place of no time. That would fascinate me as well.

      Good luck again with the giveaway and let me now which JORD Watch you ultimately choose! 🙂

  • Thanks for sharing your knowledge of timepieces with us Beverley. I love unique watches and, of course, some that I am drawn to are antiques. Some of my favorite “eye candy” to wear on my arm are watches.

    • Thanks for sharing that you do like wearing watches, Rachel, as it seems a lot of people have forsaken watches as “eye candy” to wear. They rely on their technology to tell time. Yes, I love antique watches and clocks as well and had such a wonderful time during my designing days and all the fabulous old watches I was able to find to work with.

  • Neely Moldovan says:

    I’ve seen these before but I love your close up pics to get a better idea.They are really cool watches.

    • Thanks so much Neely! JORD Watches are gaining in popularity for sure, so I am happy that my close up photos helped give you a better look at these really beautiful watches.

  • Joan Potter says:

    Beverley – I have always enjoyed looking at old watches, and just classy watches. I am not allowed to wear a watch when I work at the hospital, and my cell phone serves as my watch otherwise but (I am not making this up) I’m such a nut about it that occasionally I’ll go on e-Bay and type in “Vintage ladies watch” or “Art Deco Ladies Watch” and just drool!

    • Joan…I am with you 100% on loving to look at old, antique watches! You would have loved all the ones I found or had given to me. I was reminiscing about it just yesterday with my daughter. They just seemed to flow to me, once I commitment to designing the recycled watch jewelry. I’m not surprised you can’t wear one at the hospital, but it sounds like you are filling your passion for vintage and antique watches by finding them online. I remember traveling to Florida and visiting a dealer and how my, the old watches I bought were simply incredible! I totally feel and understand your passion for them! Enjoy!

  • Liz Mays says:

    I just loved hearing your backstory about how you designed jewelry with old watch parts. Loved it! And these Jord watches really are nice looking. They’re great statement pieces.

    • I so appreciate hearing you enjoyed my back story about designing watches, Liz! Writing this piece brought back a lot of memories and in some ways revived my fascination with our relationship to time. The JORD watches are truly beautiful and are definitely a great statement piece!

  • It is very interesting to see the impact that time has on people’s lives. I always feel like there is never enough time to get everything accomplished.

    • Our human relationship with time is quite fascinating indeed! The more I observe people and time, the more intriguing it becomes. Yes, I can relate to the “not enough time” energy myself, although with my mantra, “There is always enough time for everything”, it helps slow down and reduce the stress.

  • Vera Sweeney says:

    I love the look of the wooden watches!!! Doesn’t it seem like time dragged on when we were younger and now it flies by?

    • Great observation of our relationship with time, Vera! Yes, how we relate to time seems to change as we get older. Somehow for many of us now, it is flying by. The JORD watches are lovely and they look very classy both on and off the wrist!

  • I had a Jord wood watch about 2 years ago. The one shown in the bottom banner looks absolutely lovely.

    • I imagine you really enjoyed your JORD watch, Valerie, as they are truly beautiful pieces. They are all equally lovely and it made it challenging to choose one over the other for me. Each of them are truly unique!

  • Michele says:

    Back when I worked I always wore a watch and I had a lot of them–one of my friends fixed watches and at the time also had a jewelry store. Now that I am semi retired I do not wear a watch–I gauge time by if it is daylight or dark–I thankfully do not have to be anywhere at any precise time anymore-and if I do-I look at the clock in my apartment and go from there. That said I do love the look of all the Jord watches-they are all unique and beautiful-they would make the perfect gift!

    • Although I also don’t have to be anywhere at any specific time these days, Michele, I still fell lost without a watch on my wrist. I am fascinated by the beauty of all time pieces and the JORD watches truly are very unique and beautiful in their craftsmanship. I think as we get older we develop an inner sense of time, and like you, I seem to know by the light or dark what time it is. Funny how sometimes we set an alarm clock and yet we wake up just before we are meant to wake up. The relationship between humans and time is a fascinating study.

  • This is such a nice watch love the fact that is made of real wood. A fashion statement for sure. And I can imagine you have gotten so many comments when wearing it.

    • The JORD watches are quite a fashion statement Adriana! I’m very surprised at how light-weight they are considering they use wood watch bands too. Yes, people seem to find them fascinating and are very curious about the watches, just as I was.

  • Kimberly says:

    I love recreated and reused things, too… brings a bit of old into the new. A time reference! Congratulations on this exciting project! The watches are beautiful, and the wood is really unique. I find I don’t wear one much anymore, although I have one that I love. Being an artist, mom, gardener, etc, if I do wear one it is when I’m going out, if I remember!

    • Thanks Kimberly! I love recreating new things from the old too. Time pieces have always intrigued me and they seem to interest most people. The human fascination with time perhaps. I find I feel lost when I don’t have a watch on, and yet so many people defer to their phones or computer or technology now to see what time it is. Like you, I do art and garden, and yet somehow have kept a watch in the mix whatever I do. Now I will be wearing my JORD watch on special occasions and when I dress up!

  • Gilly says:

    Time is of the essence and yes we need time to keep us afloat. Today though I purposely dropped the clock (so to speak) so I could relax and enjoy the day. It’s nice to think about time or guess. I’m not far off when I do 😀
    Love the watches and what a unique idea using wood!

    • Love hearing how you “dropped the clock” on the weekend, Gilly and committed to being in the flow and taking some ‘time’ to relax. We all seem so invested in time and how it impacts our lives and yet, when we let go of that attachment, life does flow more. I’m also someone who seems to have a strong internal clock as well. Yes, the JORD watches are wonderful and definitely are a unique gift for someone.

  • Karen Grosz says:

    I really enjoyed this piece of writing of yours. Since I read it a few days ago I have been spending some of my downtime thinking about time. I could see a couple of areas I still needed to work on, but overall I am really content with how I use my time.

    • Thanks so much for taking the time to digest this post, Karen and I appreciate hearing that you enjoyed my writing in it. It’s wonderful to know you spend some time reflecting on your own relationship with time and how it brought up some areas in your life where you are open and willing to do work around it. And, it’s great to hear that overall you feel that you and time have a healthy relationship.

  • Reba Linker says:

    Thanks for making me aware of Jord watches – they are beautiful and unique – I like the use of wood as metal or leather usually irritates my skin. I seldom wear a watch, and like to be ‘in the flow’ rather than following the clock, nonetheless, I think I might like to wear a Jord watch!

    • So happy that you were introduced to JORD Watches through this post, Reba. They are beautiful and the wood bands are quite distinctive and as I mentioned, are very light weight. It doesn’t even feel like I have a watch on my wrist! As I’ve always worn a watch, I cannot imagine not wearing on and feel lost on the days I might forget to put one on. Yes, to being in the flow and thanks for entering the giveaway too! I know you would love wearing a JORD Watch and hopefully you will be in the near future. xo

  • Hey Beverley,

    What a wonderful post and so very cool to learn about why we find “time” so fascinating 🙂 Thank you for sharing your awesome insights 🙂 Always enjoy reading your posts as they always make me think more creatively , so thank you for that 🙂

    • Glad you enjoyed this post, Joan and I appreciate that you are a big supporter of my writing! Yes, we humans seem to have a love/hate affair with time and the study of the whys, is indeed quite fascinating. Happy to hear reading my writings has you thinking more creatively for yourself too! 🙂

  • I often feel that I am running out of time. I rarely wear a watch so that I can focus on the people I am with as opposed to how much time I have or don’t have. I think my next step is learning to say No 🙂

    • That feeling of running out of time is familiar to me as well, Christy. I always wear a watch but don’t let it distract me when I am with people. I find the people who are always looking at their phones to see what time it is, are more distracted than those of us who wear watches. Learning to say ‘no’ is definitely a way to free ourselves from the stress of feeling we don’t have enough time. Good luck!

  • Joyce Hansen says:

    You’ve made me think about all the different times in my life when I’ve either used watches or went without. When I was working, a watch was an imperative – to make sure you got to work on time and then to know how much time was left before you could go home. Now I seldom wear one but have three clocks in my office to keep me on track. Love hearing about your artistic endeavors for creating designs with watches and then how the beautiful artisan watches have come back into your life.

    • Appreciate your reflections on your own relationship with time, Joyce. It is fascinating how watches have now become less popular than in years gone by, yet how when we think about them, what a significant role they’ve played in our lives. Three clocks sounds like you are committed to being on time and on track. Yes, those design days seem so long ago and yet in remembering them, that was such a rich and exploratory creative period of my life. Nothing stopped me from finding what I was looking for as far as watch parts. It was like once I decided, the Universe conspired to assist me. When I received the email from the JORD people, I couldn’t help but say “Yes”, as their watches and the integrity of their mission, really did seem like destiny to me.

  • I’m not sure if I qualify as a watch collector, Beverley, but I still have my very first Cinderella watch which is now in the bank locker. I think it was a Timex watch and came with a Cinderella statute. That was in the early 70’s when Disney released the movie Cinderella and my parents gifted it to me. I put it in the locker because it was precious and as far as I am concerned, Timeless.

    I’ve kept different watches from different times in my life as they mark my development and progress. So I have the watch that my parents gave me when I went to college, the Seiko that was gifted to me by a family friend when I went to study Chartered Accountancy in London and the many that i picked up in Minsk because their designs were beautiful and at that time they only cost 1 dollar each (the USSR had just dissolved and by Belorussian standards they did cost but were affordable).

    Come to think of it, these watches are memories of Time for me and as precious today as they were when I first got them.

    I loved your post and your talent to create art from watch pieces.

    • Just love your comment, Vatsala and how reading this had you go back in “time” and recount how the watches you received or purchased played such a key role in marking memorable points in your life. This is something I found with most people. We keep our watches, regardless of whether they work or not, or whether we still wear them or not. I have a Mickey Mouse watch from Timex and when I was designing jewelry, the head of Timex here in Canada was very generous and gave me hundreds of watches to use for my designs. There were lots of character watches which I chose to keep. I also have a lot of old watches I’ve collected through the years and find it so fascinating that all of us have this interesting pattern of keeping them. Yes, the watches are memories of the Times in your life and still hold precious memories, which is very much part of being human. Thanks for your comment and support! When I think back to how many pieces I designed…wow! It was quite an interesting time in my life.

  • Gorgeous watches. I have about 5 sitting in my jewelry box that I haven’t worn in I can’t tell you how long. I thing part of that is due to the fact that my sense of time is finely hones and rarely do I need to consult a timepiece. And when I do, my phone is a lot more accurate than anything I wear on my wrist.

    • Thanks Jackie! They are really gorgeous watches indeed. I’m not too surprised to hear that you have 5 watches sitting in your jewelry box, and that you haven’t worn them in a long time either. This is something I found when I was designing recycled watch part jewelry. Even when people weren’t wearing their watches, or even if they didn’t work anymore…people still kept them. It’s amazing how many people now rely on their phones to keep time. Funny that I still wear a watch every day and rarely check time on my phone. Fascinating study of behaviour of me.

  • Denise says:

    I really love how artfully you wrote about time. Compelling & thought provoking.

    • Thanks so much Denise! I am really happy to hear that you enjoyed the way I wrote about “time”. It seems to be fascinating and intriguing to most of us. And I’m always delight to hear my posts are thought-provoking too!

  • Wow, I never saw a wood watch before. They look lovely. I love unique watches. I keep my watches for a long time. I have always carried one around with me and it has helped me stay on time for meeting and appointments. Thanks for sharing this product.

    • Thanks Sabrina. I find the JORD Watches really lovely too! The wood watch bands intrigued me and once I received mine, I was surprised at how light and delicate they are. So many people do keep their old watches, something I found fascinating when I was designing my recycled watch jewelry. For whatever reasons, the idea of time, seems to be deeply embedded within us and watches are one way of “watching” and “keeping” time.

  • You are the perfect person to write about time and the JORD watch. I can see how much of their philosophy resonates with you. Over the years I had a few very special watches & my last one, that I had to have was from a famous Israeli designer. But then I got an IPhone & I stopped wearing a wrist watch. I often look at it and appreciate its feminity & beauty.
    I have always been a friend of time. Early for most things & not a complainer that I dont have enuf time because I manage my time. A lot of time has passed in my life and I feel good about most of it. Time is not my enemy.

    • Thanks so much for seeing how I am a good fit with JORD. Reading their mission statement and seeing their watches, I agree with you too. I have always loved watches and also have kept some special ones that have crossed my path over the years. The one from the famous Israeli designer sounds beautiful and the curious thing is that people keep their old watches…even when they do no longer work. I found that people suddenly pulled out all kinds of old unrepairable watches to give me when I was designing jewelry. There is certainly something about humans and time.

      I love your perspective on time as well. When you say you have always been a friend of time…I had to think how much it has challenged me in my life. Always wanting to fly ahead of whatever was happening. I’m also always early for things and am learning that ‘there is enough time for everything’ I want to do. It really sounds like Time is your friend. Thanks for sharing all this with us.

  • Wow.. this is a really different post for you. Not sure I would want wood on my wrist, not to mention the colors.. but I really liked the pieces of parts… and love when folks take parts from other things and make something wonderful out of it.

    • Because I was curious, I really wanted to feel and try one of the JORD watches, Kristen. I couldn’t imagine what the wood band would be like myself and it is honestly so light-weight that I was wearing it and forget it was on my wrist! I love recreated and reusing things to make other things too and in this case, I love the artisan quality and intention of what JORD stands for and is doing to create their beautiful watches.

  • Tamuria says:

    The Ely is a beautiful watch Beverley, more than just a timepiece it’s a lovely piece of jewellery. I rarely wear watches anymore as my phone is usually with me. I do, however, have a fascination with time. My sister, who lives in LA, and I regularly give each other watches. It’s become a bit of a thing between us and they are often in the form of necklaces, set to our own time zones as a reminder of when it’s a good time to call.

    • That’s a lovely way to describe the Ely, Tami. It is more than a watch, as it is so beautiful that it feels like another piece of jewelry to me. As you know I wear Roslyn’s bracelets everyday too. I think a lot of people have stopped wearing watches and rely on their phones, although I still appreciate a beautiful wrist watch.

      I love the ritual that you and your sister share watches with each other too. How lovely to have this gift as a reminder of what the best time to call each other is! Very creative and personal.

  • I am so intrigued by time as well, Beverley, and have always been drawn to old watches too! Especially in light of our knowledge that time doesn’t actually exist. It’s always a kick for me to contemplate that.
    And I love these watches as well. Just beautiful!

    • I think many of us are intrigued by time, Susan. And old watches fascinate me and always seem to have their own ‘story’. We do know that time is a human construct, but again, without time how would we measure things? 🙂 These are wonderful watches and I am amazed at the artistry and the beauty!