A few weeks ago I received what sounded like an urgent message on my Facebook wall, from a dear online friend Roslyn Tanner Evans, of Earth and Moon Design. It said, “Sent you a PM. You need to reply to it ASAP.” Curious me, couldn’t wait to find out why.
Seems she was inviting me to participate in what she called an “online blog tour” and needed to know tout suite, if I was in. I instantly said “Sure!”, without thinking about it. Right after saying “Sure”, I had a brief moment of quasi-fear, as reading the questions we were asked to answer about our personal writing process, I saw it might be challenging to define mine.
Sounds Simple Enough
The rules were pretty simple. Now up for the challenge and fully committed, I felt excited, not only to share a little bit about my writing but to rally three others, to pass the torch to. More about that later.
So here goes for me. A peek into how and why I write.
What Am I Working on Now?
Kind of an interesting question, as being a person who works a lot from imagination, inspiration, and intuition, I am always working on something. It’s just that that ‘something’, doesn’t always have a concrete form in the moment.
I am working on a couple of projects I can share more about, though. One is an ongoing exploration of life and golf. I personally have never played golf but am listening to an avid male golfer friend’s captivating experiences, creating stories from them to publish as a book. A writing challenge I’ve adopted, “write what you don’t know”.
Not sure if or when this book project will be birthed to the world, however, it’s a wonderful and interactive way to hone my ability to fully listen to someone and then write what I’ve heard. The listening fuels my imagination to then write what I don’t know anything about.
Art + Writing to Unleash Creativity
Another project I’m involved in is with two dear friends and fellow Arscura-School for Living Art graduates. We all come to this collaboration with a writing background and now a therapeutic art background, so we’re developing a workshop process that combines both art and writing in a social and interactive way to unlock creativity.
Knowing we humans are all hardwired for both language and creativity, I’m excited to introduce this to the world, to inspire more people to become comfortable exploring and unleashing their unique creativity.
How Does My Work Differ From Others of Its Genre?
Personally, I write non-fiction, drawing on experience, observation, and research, with my goal to have the reader feel like they are part of the conversation. Life to me is a conversation and the more people who engage in it, the more magical the conversation becomes.
Even my book, Confessions of a Middle-Aged Hippie, was written this way. I love conversations so much, using an interview format in my memoir (has anyone actually dared to do this before? I’m told No!) made perfect sense to me. Lots of things make perfect sense to me, even when no one else sees my way of seeing them. All the Air influence in my birth chart, perhaps.
Somehow I see connections in seemingly disparate pieces of information and I’m even surprised sometimes, how I can marry them together. This ability to synthesize and see correlations between unrelated things has become one of my writing trademarks. And I’m inspired to uncover the relationships between the unconnected bits. Everywhere in life.
Why Do I Write What I Write?
No choice, to be honest. I walk through life both observing and experiencing the world around me. A world where impulses and ideas stream to me, not necessarily in any sequential or logical order. Sometimes at lightning bolt speed and frequency.
I’ve heard that ideas find us, we don’t find them. I truly believe that. Often I sit with these ideas or thoughts that find me, for days or weeks, until I become clear on what they are wanting to tell me and how I am ultimately meant to share them with the world. An exercise for me in practicing patience. One of my big life lessons. Then, intuitively I know when I’m ready to sit down and write. Often longhand, as I know this accesses a different part of your being. Coming from the heart and soul, not the head.
Writing as a Form of Expression
Writing has always been my go-to way of expressing myself. Having a powerful imagination, I was fascinated by words and reading from a very young age; reading to my kindergarten class, or to anyone who would listen. Writing is a natural progression from my early passion for words and reading.
I love playing with and making up new words too. As a Wordsmitherer, (one of those made-up words), writing is just what I do and part of who I am. The Conversational Sparkplug in me loves sharing too. I’m rarely at a loss for words. Can you tell?
The Feeling Writing Gives Me
Writing always exhilarates me. It often amazes me where what seems to come through me, is coming from. I’m captivated by the cosmos and meander around there all the time, plucking ideas to bring down to earth. Hence one of my monikers…Cosmic Meanderer.
The only way I feel I can be authentic in my writing, is to share myself in as vulnerable a way as possible. That’s why I include my experiences and observations in the pieces I write. Others see me as a conversational storyteller or Raconteur.
With my rose-coloured glasses on, I move through life and see the humour in life’s crazy situations. As a Whimsyist, at times, I do infuse my writing with this humour. At least I hope people hear the humour.
My hope is that by sharing my stories, others will see a reflection of themselves. Or even start to ask questions and be inspired to explore something new in their own life. That’s me being a Complacency Shaker.
How Does My Writing Process Work??
There are two question marks after this one, as I honestly am not sure how it works. It is less a process that someone would understand, than a “non-process”. This is the one question I was most concerned about sharing my answer to. When I explored it a bit more, it occurred to me that perhaps a non-process is in fact also a process. An intuitive non-process sounds perfect to me!
What I don’t do, is write every day. I do write in my head. I’m most comfortable having the pieces in place up there before I sit down to write. Sometimes a great theme or idea or title comes to me. The frustrating part of that is when I have no idea what else goes with that theme, or idea or title. I keep observing and staying open to see what shows up. Allowing it time to percolate.
Some might call this procrastination. I don’t. I’ve learned to sit with it, to see if it stays with me and if it does, I know, (from lots of ongoing experience), that eventually, something unfolds. The timing is not always my timing. I’ve learned to trust it anyways. With patience, something always comes and magically, a new piece is born. That’s it. Trust that something always comes.
Pass the Baton
That’s my behind the scenes peek at how and why I write. Part of this blog hop was to invite three other people to share their process and keep the “hop” going.
This is the fun part where I get to introduce my three incredible writers. Being big fans and supporters of all these women, I’m delighted to pass my cheerleading baton over to these fabulous friends who freely share their wisdom, whimsy and wonderfulness with the world. Enjoy!
My Three Writer Friends
Karen Talavera is one of my very good friends who currently lives in Southern Florida. We met a few years ago in Portland and the synchronicity of our connection has lasted long beyond that brief encounter at the World Domination Summit. We’ve become “soul” friends and I know the fact that we truly get and support each other, will last into the future. Happy to have her here, as both my good friend and to share her journey and wisdom through the Accidental Seeker. Here’s more about my soul sister Karen:
Karen is a self-described “Accidental Seeker” who stumbled upon a journey of self-discovery, spiritual exploration, and non-conformity after years of living the proverbial American dream.
A writer, entrepreneur, mother, and avid international traveler, she draws on the rich and often overlooked experiences of daily life to illuminate opportunities for awakening, share unique perspectives and highlight insights hidden in plain sight. She writes about these (and her challenges living them) on her blog The Accidental Seeker.
Karen explores personal growth, conscious evolution, and the pursuit of happiness and purpose through her own journey as well as reflections in the world at large. She’s passionate about inspiring transformation in small, simple ways. Karen’s writing has also appeared on Divine Caroline and Elephant Journal.
Next is one of my favourite “late bloomers”, Michelle DeSpain, who I haven’t met in person yet, but loved the minute we connected online when she called my book jacket “adorbs”. Her passion and life wisdom shine through in everything she is sharing with the world…late bloomers or not. We both come from a music background and I plan to meet her, in her home town of Phoenix next time I’m there, to visit the new Musical Instrument Museum. You’ll love her energy and enthusiasm! Here’s a little about Michelle:
Michelle is Prima Bloggerina and Fearless Leader over at The Late Bloomer Revolution an online haven for those who believe that it’s never too late to live their dreams. Each week, Michelle provides complimentary seeds of inspiration, humor, and mildly irreverent advice on how to awaken one’s inner bloom.
In one of her former lives, Michelle played for a living by sharing the wonder of music and drama with young children. This fall, she returns to her teaching roots by creating a playful online classroom and e-course for the young at heart. Coming September 2014… The Happiness Habit™: 21 Days from Blah to Blissed Out.
Michelle invites you stop by and say hello at any of her cyber-locales. Her website: The Late Bloomer Revolution or on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or Pinterest. She’s everywhere! 🙂
My third amazing woman, J. Clement Wall, spreads positivity and joy through her thought-provoking words and whimsical art. I became a fast fan and immediately loved her, the first time someone sent me her “There can never be too many badass, open-hearted hippie warriors of love” doodle. When I asked her if I could share her brilliance with my social media peeps, of course, she said “Yes”. Everything she does truly speaks to me and resonates perfectly with who I am. We both stand for the same core values in the world too. Love and Peace and Art. Here’s a peek into Judy’s world:
Judy Clement Wall is a San Francisco Bay Area writer and artist. Her short stories, essays, reviews, and interviews have been published in numerous literary print journals and websites such as Huffington Post, The Rumpus, Kind Over Mater, Life By Me, and Smith Magazine.
Her mission: make art, do work, and engage in shenanigans that inspire fearless love, soulful evolution, and wild creativity as a way of life.
You can browse her art at her Etsy store by clicking here and keep up with all her creative shenanigans at her website Judy Clement Wall.
Beautifully written, I enjoyed reading, this blog shows your great writing skills, keep it up.
Thanks so much, Anna! I appreciate hearing that you enjoyed this post and my way of writing!
Beverley, that was so generous to be so open and transparent in your writing style. It’s a pleasure to find that we share a number of similarities. But, then we both are air signs. Sometimes, I have to wait for the flow to bubble up. I have these blank few seconds when I do nothing, and then the water tap gets turned on. There are times when it’s an erratic on-off process. In the end, I’m always amazed how well it turned out.
What you describe is very familiar to me as well, Joyce. Especially the on-off nature of what flows. And, of course how in the end, it is often amazing how well it all turns out. That is one of my great joys in trusting the process. I am more often than not, surprised and amazed at what arrived! Appreciate hearing we have many similarities in our air sign writing process too.
Bev – I have to agree with Crystal, above. The line with this article that will always stick with me is “Write what you don’t know.” This is smart on so many levels. For a very long time I’ve sat down to write out my feelings when I’m confused. If, for instance, there’s been a family spat, I might write down my feelings and then the solution or resolution becomes clear. I think because I “didn’t know” the resolution when I started, I’ve always done a little of writing what I didn’t know as a type of coping mechanism. Also, I know many authors of fiction, myself included, who don’t know the end of the story WHILE WE’RE WRITING IT!! And really, why shouldn’t we write about what we don’t know?!
Thanks for noticing that idea, Joan. Most writers stick with the “write what you know” method of writing. Yet, as you really demonstrated in your comment, there is more that we don’t know than we do know, so when we write from an open place, we never know what will show up for us. Often through the willingness to sit down and write, things we never would have imagined surface. I love how you shared that when you are writing fiction, you have no idea what the ending will be! I personally don’t write fiction, but find that everything I write doesn’t have a definite ending. I allow the ‘unknown’ to just emerge. I agree with your question too…”Why shouldn’t we write about what we don’t know?” A great exercise to stimulate our creativity!
Love this, Beverley! I agree, sometimes the percolating part is mistaken for procrastination, but is such an essential part! I feel like I’m always writhing in my head, too. I dictate into my phone often cause I don’t want to forget. The writing what you don’t know is interesting to me, too. It reminds me of the art exercises from Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, where you look at the subject upside down, and just draw the lines and shapes you see. No preconceived notions about what it is.
So happy you enjoyed this, Kimberly, and it sounds like it resonated with you too! Yes, the creative process is so individual to each of us. How we ignite our creativity isn’t one-size-fits-all. I agree with you, that to interpret it as procrastination, is a left-brain ‘thinking’ construct. Writing what you don’t know, really does stretch us, even if it sounds counterintuitive to what is traditionally believed to be the ‘way to write’. I love those kinds of art exercises too, as you really suspend what you think and draw from a very new place. Yes, the results can be both surprising and inspiring.
One phrase that really struck a chord with me in this post is “write what you don’t know.” What a terrific way to help someone break down the barrier of writing! I know many people who feel stuck and unsure if they know enough about a topic to write on it, but just the process of writing helps to gain greater understanding in a subject.
Thanks for noticing that, Crystal. This idea of writing what we don’t know, really removes any blocks that might be stopping us from writing. There is so much we do know, and yet even more we don’t know, so trusting something will come, is really what opens up new possibilities. Lots of people do get stuck because they write from their analytical brain vs. trusting the more intuitive brain which brings unfettered flow!
It is always fun to see other processes. I do think that if we remain observant, ideas come to us. But we have to open and willing to pay attention. I have to write my ideas down. Most never get beyond that, but have to get them out of my head for more ideas. 🙂
I very much agree with you Karen. When we stay open and are observing the world around us, ideas flow to us. We do have to have a willingness to receive what is coming towards us. I do write my ideas down…eventually, it is just that I trust my memory and how the impulses flow to me, and know they are always there, whether I write them down or not. It’s good to get them down and allow new ones to surface too! 😉
Thank you Beverley for allowing me to see inside of your “writing” process, as it is always good to learn a few skills as I have never taken a writing class, either 🙂
I always learn so much from every post I comment on, especially yours, because you always seem to know how to group words and sentences together so nicely for it all to make sense!
Thank you!
Thanks so much for your support for my writing and my process, Joan! Glad you learned a few new things in this post too. 😉 It really means a lot to me to know that how I write resonates with you. That is a goal of mine, so it is wonderful to have feedback I’m succeeding.
Hi Beverley,
I loved learning about your “non-process”. I’ve taken a writing classes which left me feeling hesitant to start. Wanting to do it perfectly but not recognizing that I need to adapt it to fit me.
Although I had noticed your logo, I had not seen past ‘eye glasses’. Now that I see your initials, I feel somewhat silly but this also brought my attention to how much I miss by simply glancing and scanning things.
Hi Rachel. I appreciate hearing that you enjoyed learning about my ‘non-process’ when it comes to writing. It’s interesting about writing classes, as personally, I’ve never taken any. I think with writing, it really is an ongoing learning experience and in my case, mostly from doing it.
Thanks for now recognizing the depth of my logo. My designer friend really is quite brilliant. I think generally our world is much less attentive than we need to be and I continue to practicing seeing the world in new ways, with more detail and more curiosity. Appreciate your support and for sharing about yourself too.
I love this post, Beverley, in so many ways. I love hearing about your process – and yes, you have a wonderful ability to marry a disparate and wide-ranging assortment of ideas! And I love the honesty of your answers. And I love the generosity with which you highlight your 3 torch- pass-ees, and I look forward to exploring their work as well. xo
Thanks for all your support and true concern, Reba! It is greatly appreciated. Thank you also for seeing how I marry a disparate and wide-ranging assortment of ideas in my pieces. That means a lot to me to know it is noticed. Happy you enjoyed my honest way of answering the questions too. It is easy to sugar coat answers in a process like this. Yes, all three of these ladies are so fascinating and are contributing to the world in creative ways! Enjoy it you do explore them. xo
Wonderful, Beverley! So much insight and guidance. Everyone has a different process and I loved reading about yours because it’s so similar to mine. When it’s time to write, it’s time to write and, like you, I am always mulling things over in my head.
Thanks for sharing!
Great to hear that you really related to my process, Latrelle, and that you see it similar to your own. Yes, when I am ready to write, I write. Things seem to percolate and are ready when they are ready to put into words. I totally get the ‘mulling over in my head’ part of the process too. Thank you for sharing.
What a fun journey you have been on with these other lovely ladies. How enlightening to read about your process on how the word magic unfolds for you at the right time with trust and inspiration. You are in your element and it shows.
Thanks so much Teresa! I appreciate that you found this enlightening and you enjoyed reading about my process. Yes, magic unfolds when you trust and are moved by inspiration. Appreciate hearing that it shows that I’m in my element in the writing arena!
A blog tour or hop with a difference, Beverley, and you are so very different in the nicest possible way I can articulate. <3 I knew about blog tours when a writer is promoting their book yet I find this one so much better. More insights into the person and the writer. Awesome!
You are so sweet, Vatsala! Thank you so much for your support and kind words. I was reluctant to do this blog hop, but as it turned out, it was a lot of fun. It’s always interesting when someone offers you the questions to reflect on. Definitely more insights into the person and their process!
Terrific “behind the scenes” look at the writing process. I think those of us who have been writing for decades have their own special tricks that helps them move beyond being creative to being creative and productive, too.
Appreciate hearing this was a terrific behind the scenes look at my writing process, Jackie. Yes, I agree that once we realize what our most productive way of working is, that’s what we creatives are wisest to hone and stick with.
So glad you reposted this. The beauty of your writing is the depth of every thought. So it takes many reads and each one something else gets stimulated or registers. I read every comment and see how much people enjoyed the blog hop. I wish it had been taken a bit further connecting all the bloggers. Perhaps some day, you will lead one.
Thanks for your original invitation to this blog hop, Roslyn, and I’m happy that I re-shared it too. I also very much appreciate your support of my writing and am happy to hear that it offers stimulation and insights. And that it requires more than one read at a time. 🙂 There are all kinds of blog hops happening it seems all the time, and this one was special, as the integrity and quality of the people who took part, really was extraordinary for me!
It was fascinating to get a sneak peek into your writing process, Beverley, as I so enjoy reading all that you write. I could really relate to “ideas find us” and I too will sit with an idea and let it percolate – always excited to see where it leads. The blog hop is a great idea and I’m intrigued by your golf project.
Tami, I appreciate hearing that you enjoyed an inside look at my writing process. My sense is you and I are very similar in many aspects of how we create. Both writing and art. I also appreciate hearing that you enjoy my writing. It means a lot to me. The blog hop was a fun way to ‘write on demand’ and yes, this golf project is truly a fascinating experience in writing what I don’t know.
And now I finally learn of the origin of your logo! 🙂 It’s so clever, with the B and the G forming glasses…but I’m not sure if I ever noticed the “rose-colored” part until reading this blog post. Understanding your process is helpful. I often wonder why it takes me so long to write anything, especially since, like you, I write in my head long before I sit down to type. I’m unsure if it’s perfectionism, but I often get frustrated on the days that I MUST write (as opposed to days when I am able to write). My favorite part of writing is re-reading my finished product later on–whether it be a week later or several years.
Glad you got the genius behind my designer’s logo invention, Meghan. Most people don’t see it until I point it out. 🙂 I think that too often people are told they need to produce and try to force themselves into a process that isn’t theirs. Yes, I have learned to trust mine and sometimes it feels like it takes a long time for some articles to percolate, however, I don’t want to have to produce on command. I can imagine that having to write is challenging if your process doesn’t align with this. I wouldn’t call it procrastination though, as that is a trap, I believe, that many people fall into. I love re-reading what I wrote too, as sometimes I cannot even believe it came through or to me. Enjoy your process!
As someone who is more gifted in the gift of gab, rather than writing, I want to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery of being a writer – or at least your style and approach of writing. Write on!
Thanks Audrey! Happy this post offered some new insights about the life of a writer…or at least my writing process. I’m a ‘gift of the gab’ kind of person too, so somehow have figured out how to combine the two…conversation and writing! I plan to write on too!
Love this, Beverley–it really gives such insight into who you are, both as a person and as a writer. Write on!
Why thank you, Susan! I appreciate hearing that this post offers insight into who I am both personally and as a writer. Mission accomplished! And, write on I will…
Love this, Beverley. I’m fascinated by your golf-writing experiment. Anytime I write fiction, there is an element of writing what I don’t know, but not like you’re doing. To write about what you don’t know in the real world… I can see where that would hone some serious listening skills, which I think we could all use.
And “complacency shaker” made me laugh. Yes!
Thanks for stopping by and reading this one J. Can’t wait to read yours later this week.
Writing what you don’t know is an interesting experience. It really helps to develop our capacity to “hear” in a new way and to explore realms we haven’t dared to venture into before. Most of the time, I include something I do know in my writing, so this golf experience is quite fascinating for me. At times, I have no idea where the stuff is coming from. Thanks to the muse for that.
Although, I personally rarely write fiction, I’ve wondered about exploring that sometime in the future too. Glad you like “complacency shaker” and happy to hear it made you laugh. 😉 Yes, Yes!
What a wonderful thing a “blog hop” is, Beverley. I had never heard of this concept before. It is great getting to know you better. I am definitely one of your fans!
Personally it was a first for me as well, Robin! So happy I said yes and went through the process. Appreciate your kind words, as a writing gal can never have enough people who like what they do. 😉
Beverley I loved this and what a great opportunity for all involved!! You are a free spirit, the messages you send through your writing are inspiring and fun! You present opportunities by releasing the stigmas of magic and help us trust the wishing parts or imaginations of our daily life.
Wow, thanks so much Gilly! I so appreciate your feedback on my writing and what I’m sharing with the world. I have been told I’m a free spirit and it’s always fun to hear this from others. Glad that what I’m sharing offers inspiration and encourages others to trust their own imagination and intuition, to create some magic in the world too.
Beverley, I like your “intuitive non-process” for writing. Life truly runs better when we observe and stay “open to to see what shows up”, If we percolated a bit more before reacting, our relationships would also run better. Thanks for this engaging description of a writer’s life!
Thanks for really seeing how I work Gina, as I have come to understand that staying open (regardless of what plans you’ve made), offers a wonderful way to flow with life and to take the opportunities that come towards you. Love how you see that this “percolation” period is very powerful when it comes to life and relationships and contributes to having things run smoothly, just by standing back and observing. Appreciate your support and always amazing feedback and what you share with your own writing too.
This is a very interesting blog tour and I really enjoy a deeper insight into your writing and writing style, and really what makes you tick. It is great that there is also a pass the baton feature to this tour. We can’t go it alone and whether we are the inspirer or the inspired, we all need someone to grow.
Thanks so much Veronica. It was an interesting blog hop tour and I thoroughly enjoyed both writing the post to share a bit about my process with the world, but also rallying three others to pass the baton to to keep it “hopping”. Happy to hear you gained some insight into both my writing and to me as well. We all need others and that is the value to being part of a community for sure.
These are great questions to ask!!!! I love the concept and that they force you to think about why you’re writing and who you are writing for as well as what you’re writing. Great post Beverley!!!!
It truly us a wonderful exploration into process, Don. It led me through the why and how for sure. Appreciate your support and enthusiasm!
I knew when Roslyn said you’d be one of her three selected “bloggers” that we were in for a real treat. And you proved me right! I’m fascinated by the thoroughness you bring to any concept or project you undertake. By the time this article reached the cyberwaves, you had traveled down every bunny trail, looking behind every rock and tree, until your mind found the comprehensive, logical, in-the-flow answer to each question. And what a joy to be carried by your words through each answer. Well done, my friend!
I so appreciate your support and feedback on this one Sharon. You saw something in my answers that I may not have seen myself. 🙂 And I also appreciate how you saw that I did explore and wrestle with the questions. I don’t think I’ve have ever done so many tweaks and edits in any previous piece to date. The great part, is hearing from people who actually totally get this way of working and writing. Loved your contribution to this week’s blog hop too and am sad you are putting down your writing instruments, while at the same time happy to hear you are creating a new trail to follow for yourself. Thanks so much for the connection and camaraderie you’ve offered in the short amount of time we’ve known each other online. Would still like to meet face to face, if we happen to be in the same part of the world at the same time.
We will most definitely meet face-to-face, Beverley. The geography is up to us … 😉 As for my life shift: you know, my dad loved Pogo. This morning I saw our favorite quote pop up on my computer screensaver: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” It was simply time for me to get out of my own way … and my writing had become an anchor. Time to fly, my friend! I promise not to disappear, but to stop by and cheer on all my favorite writers …
What is interesting to me Sharon, is that you actually listened to the voice that said “writing feels like an anchor, so time to free myself and fly again.” Many people know this and stay put where they are, out of fear or complacency or whatever holds people back in life. Can’t wait to meet you on common turf somewhere and to share our stories in a real voice-to-voice conversation. Please know that I wish you an exciting time, exploring where life is calling you to go. May the journey include adventure, wonder and new memories that will stay with you along the way. Happy trails 🙂
This is marvelous! I read just this past week that one of the things we should be doing to help our SEO is link our blogs to other blogs! You’ve taken this a step further by inviting your friends to blog hop with you!! I’m no writer(even though I’ve been secretly working on a book that is so funny I can hardly read it!… and it’s non-fiction!), but I thoroughly enjoy reading your work. Congratulations!
Thanks so much for reading and letting out your own little secret, that you’ve been secretly working on a book. 🙂 It’s amazing to hear that it is bringing you laughter and sounds like your life stories are in it too. Appreciate your support and keep writing and bringing your joy and laughter to the world!
“Sometimes at lightning bolt speed and frequency.” I love how you describe it. I write, too and mostly experience the same thing. Sometimes I ask myself what other writers do and it feels good to know that someone out there resemble my process,. I write until all thoughts and feelings are poured and I leave it for hours or days before editing. Writing for me is sharing my soul to others and I feel really good every time I write something. Actually, with or without anyone seeing/reading it. Lol! Thank you, Beverley. Looking forward to learn from you, too. 🙂
Thanks for seeing the “lightning bolt speed and frequency” phrase Rochefel, and if you are like me when you write as you say, you really get that! 🙂 Glad that hearing a little bit about my process resonates with you, as I honestly was reluctant to share this, because for some, it sounds a bit out there. I love how passionate you are about writing too and am excited to continue reading your pieces and hearing about your journey too.
Blog hop, very cool! It’s nice getting to know more about you! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments thus far! 🙂
Thanks so much Kungphoo! Glad that by reading this, you got an inside peek into who I am. Appreciate the congratulations as well. 🙂
i love your thought process here and it’s so creative how you present this.
Thanks so much Jessica! I appreciate hearing that the way I presented my thought process sounds creative!
I find that writing is an art and you definitely have it, Beverley.. Thanks so much for sharing the insights to your methods. Exceptional post.
Thanks so much Alexandra for your kind words and support! I definitely love writing and sharing this “writing” process was very eye-opening for me. Sometimes putting a process into words, can be challenging. Some things are just beyond words and explanations!
I enjoy the insight into your methods. Everyone thinks a little bit differently, and writing is such a great art. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Meryl! Yes, we all have different processes and I absolutely do find writing a soulful art for me.
Beverley, it is nice to note that you really love writing for the love of sharing valuable information. Indeed, blogging can supplement your passion. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for much Lorii. Yes, writing is just part of who I am and I do love it. Sharing ideas and starting conversations is something that I love doing as well, and thanks for seeing that it truly is one of my passions.
Very interesting Beverley. Blogging and writing is so important. I like the way you do it.
Thanks for taking a look Carele. I agree that writing is a great outlet for the soul. And blogging offers a wonderful way to share it with others.
I am so honoured that one of the coolest women on the Interwebs picked me. 🙂
I learned today that we are quite similar in our writing processes — intuition, longhand, ideas finding us, percolation. It’s certainly not a cosmic accident that we are currently meandering together. Brava, and I will see you again next week! xo
I am so excited that you said yes, Michelle! And I knew there was some strong connection between us and my intuition was right on, in knowing to reach out to you. 🙂 Can’t wait to meet you when I come to Arizona and love how the cosmos brought us together.
It’s great to hear that you and I have similar ways of creating, using intuition, trusting the ideas that find us and writing longhand! Yay to kindred spirits finding each other and then sharing with the world. Look forward to reading your piece next week too. xo
I am thrilled you accepted my invite because I knew you would take our ‘blog hop’ in another direction from whence it came. You so inspire me with the way you express yourself and I am excited to meet your 3 lovely ladies. Social media can use more art, words, love, humaness to its day to day tasks. Thanks.
Thank you so much for even considering me, Roslyn! Loved what you shared last week and happy to be one of your people you passed the torch to. It was interesting to answer these questions and seemed I had way more to say about all of the questions, than I thought I would. Can’t wait to read Sharon’s, as well this week. Hope you and I have the pleasure of meeting in person sometime too. And thanks for being the first to comment on this brand new post! 🙂 Hopefully we all get to connect with many new people via this blog hop tour.